My DBV Gets Me Higher Than My Volcano Why ?


Hi all got a DBV today and im incredibly impressed to say the least. Been an everyday Volcano user for about 3 years and fancied a change plus I really wanted to try a whip vape. I do have the iolite as well but I think that's shit, what I was impressed with first of was the size of the chamber much smaller than the volcano I only have to put a pinch in the DBV and got a great hit wonderful flavor set at about 2 o'clock. I have quite a high tolerance and found this machine very satisfying slightly more so than the volcano Do most vaporists on here find whip vapes give a more potent hit or am I just imagining things ?. Also can I set the DBV on at any temp and not have to worry about burning the weed ? was thinking of setting it at 3 o'clock next time. Thanks allot


Placebo maybe?

Or it could be the difference in temperature between the two vapes? Is it more of a body high or head high?

Glad your enjoying using a whip, now you just need some water filtration, :lol:
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Yeah I just thought about placebo its a strong head high I shall try hooking the pipe to my little roor bong


Its just surprised I always thought the volcano from its reputation was the best vape around I think the Da Buddah packs a much better punch


i think it's to do with the concentration of vapor to air ratio and you probably prefer the richer concentration. less hits to get the same effect. i agree to the addition of water filtration.

my opinion on water filtration: it smooths the hit and lets you take even bigger hits than if you were not filtering. this filtering removes any/most if the tiny particulate that might get past your screen when you are inhaling. I think water filtration for health alone is a great reason. that said change your water opten and keep your glass clean. (some people let their shit get all dirty, but that's just gross imo) a non filtered hit does taste slightly stronger to me though, but it is also harsher.

that said bags totally work, my volcano gets me rocked every time! :p
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Out to lunch
Its just surprised I always thought the volcano from its reputation was the best vape around I think the Da Buddah packs a much better punch
One thing is certain. The difference you're experiencing is NOT due to the DBV being able to provide more or better vapor, vs. the 'cano. I'm not a fan of S&B products, but there's no doubt that they produce high quality vaporizers. I could include most other vapes in this discussion as well, as far as saying that they can all do a good job of providing quality vapor. The biggest diffence between the DBV and 'cano is the same difference you'd see in comparing any good whip vape with a good vapor/air ratio, to any bag filler. With bags you get diluted vapor because of the heavy air stream flowing through the unit. With a whip vape like the DBV, you get more vapor in each hit, since the volume of air you're drawing through the vape is less.
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thanks for the replys, should I hit the DBV long and slow ? seems to work better that way. I dont see any black stuff when I look at the remains.


Well-Known Member
Hey Clive what's going on?.

Yeah, the whips give better vapor to air ratio but you have to make sure you know what you're doing with most whips, excluding the Aromed, because it isn't temperature stable and you can burn your herb and I mean litterally burn it and not just turn it black. Just find what works for you and see it that's what you want.

You can inhale slow if the knob is set on low but if you set it on high if you go too slow it will cause heat to build up in the herb and cause a fire. This video shows exactly what I'm referring to:

Go to 3:45
tokin daily: bho knows wax

Also, you can use your volcano as a whip vaporizer. Just use the DBV whip and put the glass joint part on top of the volcano chamber valve and hook up the other end of the whip into the opening of your bong and let the vapor build up into the bong, stop the fan and inhale when you have a full bong. Don't use a bong that is too big or the vapor to air ratio won't be as good a s a medium sized bong. Here is the video on it:
Volcano to bong attachment

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Hi Luchiano was hoping you post that looks like a science lab in that volcano vid lol, looks cool though im gonna give it a go cheers.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that another reason besides the vapor to air ratio could be that the temperature may be higher than what you normally vape at with the volcano and being that you don't know the temperature with the buddha it is giving everything at once at giving you that powerful high BUT after a while it won't feel the same and you need more but we went through this so you get were I'm going.


Well-Known Member
Here's another video that goes into more detail showing how to use the volcano with a whip:

Volcano without balloon



The Cloud Conductor
I used a cano after dabbling with direct draw whip vaporizers and I wasnt impressed. I definitely feel more satisfied after a whip session.
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