MFLB Experiences

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I just finished hitting Plank(my MFLB), and I was thinking we should have a thread where we put our experiences with the MFLB. So please contribute stories and experiences with your MFLB


Senior Marijuanist
I think it's a good idea to have a separate thread for discussing the MFLB 'Experiences' rather than discussing that in the actual product thread.

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
thats actualy not a bad idea... i mean 600+ pages is more than anyone can read anyways lol
Bon Dog,


here for the chicks
God, not this again.

Why don't we just close every thread that goes over 50 pages then, and just start a new one instead every time?

If you're to lazy to read just say you're to lazy to read, there's no point in starting a new thread you're not going to read as well anyways.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Well .. I wanna share my experience with MFLB.. Although it wasn't that great..
I've had DBV for 1-2 years before i purchased MFLB.. I admit i did it just because everyone was praising it and was the biggest thread + i saw it in a Prodigy video and told myself i gotta get one for sure :D .
Anyway i was stupid enough to order from USA .. Costed me 15 $ + the buyer had promised not to list the price but he did.. (we'll i know it is risky.. cuz lack of insurance but i got lucky.. and got non damaged package )
It came to total cost 145$ ..100 $(mflb pack) + 15 $(delivery) + (25 $ custom taxes) + extra battery caps (3 $ ) + storage tax at customs (2$) ..
First of all.. i was impressed how tiny that thing is.. and love the birchwood. I didn't like the idea of acrylic stem.. so i used mostly tribal mode..
The charger wasn't impressive too .. and failed on the second run.. The stock batteries i got were just enough to finish one trench when fully loaded.
I decided not to give up on the MFLB.. and ordered Philips charger with 4 x 2900 mah batteries.. + whip which i found to be much better than tribal and acrylic stem (alone) , I even tinkered two glass snorting tubes as stems for the whip.
This was something way different from what i got in the beginning.. I felt very scammed with the crap batteries and charger but fock it.. costed me just another 30 $ + 2 for extra caps+ 3 $ delivery..
I started brining my MFLB everywhere but i rarely managed to get high enough with only one trench(have in mind i abused DBV a lot.. so i "never found the whole inside of" MFLB.. )
A typical session a the time was 0.2 of Amnesia haze for example .. I manage to go trough 1 g thoroughly vaped with 4 loaded batteries but then i started feeling unwell.. My lips dried.. my throat burned ... the more i used MFLB.. Water filtration was not possible cuz it is not very stealth.. Once i even puked 13 times cuz i swallowed a piece of the good build up under the screen. and for camping i bought the cheap Metal Vapobowl.. Which delivered powerful heavy hits.. which i never got from my mflb.. (not that i expected )
Recently i sold it to a friend who totally loves it .. and all his friends love it.. LOL.. His roomate even bought a charger we 4 batts so they can share whitout eating each others battery life :).
I can do an overall of my experience :
1.Unwise choice of retailer.
2.Semi-satisfying performance
3. A lot of cash lost..
4, Good quality build up of the main unit and very low quality on the accessoaries.. The same old story.. buy the cheapest vaporizer and HIGHLY OVERPRICED ACCESOARIES., as i mentioned before some guys are earning more :2c: on that than their main product..
5. It also not a very sanitary device.. so it won't be my choice if i aim at low health hazard.
Abysmal Vapor,

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
OhTheAgony said:
God, not this again.

Why don't we just close every thread that goes over 50 pages then, and just start a new one instead every time?

If you're to lazy to read just say you're to lazy to read, there's no point in starting a new thread you're not going to read as well anyways.

dude im not saying to close the fucking thread, I'm saying it would be advantageous to split it up into sections. when i first joined the forums i was overwhelmed at the number of pages for some of the vape and was a real turnoff. so just chill the fuck out dude. no everyone has been here from the get-go.

and lazy... um a lot of people don't have weeks of free time to read 600 pages of posts and the search function only works if you know what you are looking for
Bon Dog,


Out to lunch
The Lounge is pretty much for off topic stuff. Informative posts relevant to the LB or other models would get lost here. Multiple threads on the same product would also be a mess in vaporizer discussion. Allowing every vape to have its own section will result in duplicate sub threads, threads just asking a simple question, and just a lot of mess for us to deal with. We don't want to double or triple our staff just to keep up with house cleaning. And only allowing certain vapes to have their own sections comes with the problem of deciding which ones. If we do 5, we'll get demands for 5 or 10 more. There needs to be a balance between what members want and what the staff can handle, and for now the present format will have to do.

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks dude i know about vaporpedia. i know it would be a bitch to do thats y i havnt pushed it or anything. but maybe something like a subsection for the vapes that have like 100+ pages and within those subsections have stickied threads titled something like "need help", "accessories", "general discussion", "anticipated updates", etc would definitely be more inviting to newcomers. but definitely not for every vape out there.
Bon Dog,
Sorry dudes, I was just vaked off my ass when I posted this thread, haha. I did look to see if there was any thread a like, but I only searched a couple pages
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