Metal Toxicity questions... Supreme's Grade 2 Aluminum and Stainless Steel.

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Well-Known Member
Hello all! I am curious if anyone has any info on the toxicity levels of these 2 metals at vaping temps. ED from Supreme has ASSURED me it's safe, but doesn't give me a MSDS or anything to back his claim up, so can anyone help me here? I've been loving my Supreme for awhile now, but I really would like to know the truth.

Also I am curious about stainless steel and toxicity, please let me know, I appreciate it.


combustion fucker
As you probably are aware, a lot of our food comes into contact with aluminium and stainless steel and I am convinced that they are non-toxic. We encounter these metals constantly in our daily lives, so I don't think their inclusion in a vaporizer makes any significant difference in terms of total exposure.

To vaporize something we need to get it up to boiling temperature first. In a vaporizer, we are getting the volatile oils in the herb to boil and become vapor. Preferences vary, but this happens at around 200°C. The boiling point of aluminium is about 2500°C, so there's no way it can give off any "fumes" at vaping temps. The boiling point of stainless steel is even higher.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hazy, good info to know! I couldn't find anything on the either metals, I prob didn't look hard enough. I thought I saw something avbout SS being 120C, but that was pretty false I would assume. Must have read wIki wrong, or maybe someone is just stupid when they entered it... :).

ED himself said they heat the aluminum super hot to offgas anything.
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