Medicinal User-Need a Vape Recommendation

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Well-Known Member
I have a stomach problem that causes chronic nausea and vomiting, and the only thing that relieves it is marijuana.

I am a health freak, so I am concerned about the safety and effectiveness of different vaporizers. I want something that is accurate, doesn't have toxic substances in its assembly, filters toxic substances, and is well built.

I am also an engineer, so I love precision devices that I can control.

I am leaning towards a Volcano Digital Vaporizer. It is expensive, but money is no object for me, as long as the device works well.

I would like to hear your opinions of the different vaporizers available on the market. Also, if you could, please tell me your experiences with the 'cano. I would love to hear from other medicinal users too.



vapor junkie
Staff member
I recommend you take some time and read around the forum a bit, look for the threads with the most replies. There's no better way to get good info on vaporizers, specific and in general. There are some existing threads addressing your questions as well.

How have you been consuming cannabis for your condition? What experience do you have with vaporizing?

And yeah, I know there's a lot of posts to go through. I'll move this thread to the right section so you might get some helpful replies here as well. :)


Well-Known Member
I also have some of the issues you have. Chronic nausea and vomiting and I use a DBV but any temperature variable vaporizer should meet your needs. I find the middle to upper temp ranges help me the most with that.

I know you stated about health/safety issue. I believe that most if not all main stream "big name" vapes are safe in terms of the materials used.

If you have a bong I would look into the Vrip and herborizer wand vaporizers.
A direct draw box style vape such as the SSV/DBV/VB/VW and the like are very good. I love my DBV.
A multi use vape can do direct draw and bags. Look into the Extreme and Herbalaire.
A bag vape. The volcano and zypher are good considerations. The Zypher is a new bag vaporizers, their seems to be some hype and little information in the form of buyer reviews as it is a new offering.

I recommend viewing the videos in my sig.

Once you have an idea of the vaporizers your interested in we can better assist you likely within the applicable thread for the specific vaporizers. Happy Selecting and if I can help further please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that your using the good green herb as your medicine. I work in the health industry, and while it is necessary for some ppl to be on pills, I find mary-jane to be one of the most effective and diverse medicines available. Really wish I could be an advocate for it at work more than I am.

Definetely take a look around at the model-specific discussion on FC, its some of the best material I have been able to find.

BUT to meet all the criteria that you mentioned, I would have to say go with the extreme vaporizer from arizer. cheaper than the volcano, and its got more options, plus its VERY reliable.

I have used the volcano, but unfortunately it was in amsterdam, and at that point, it wasn't possible for me to get much higher.:cool: but never the less it was a lot of fun, and wound up with me purchasing the extreme in the long run, so no complaints.

Good luck in finding the vape that meets your needs!
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