Looking for some consensus about sneakypete/vapenorth glass pieces


New Member
Yes I know it's all chinese glass, just had to get that out there. The thing is, looking at some pieces on ebay from SamL glass and whatnot, it actually appears to be cheaper or similarly priced to get stuff from vapenorth's store. I'm not looking at it as my only option, but I am interested in peoples experiences with their glass pieces. Specifically the globes, but I'm also open to other suggestions.

I will be running a solo 3 (just purchased, yay!) through the piece. Here's what's caught my eye so far:

https://vapenorth.ca/collections/water-tools/products/drop-in-bong?variant=42590607245491 - cute, but I could get something from my local smoke shop for a similar price?

https://vapenorth.ca/collections/water-tools/products/jellyfish-pipe?variant=43557991579827 - jellyfish pipe! super pretty! expensive.

https://vapenorth.ca/collections/wa...e-middle-earth-edition?variant=43976248033459 -Anyone have any experience with these sneaky pete globes? I saw a video of the cube having insane blowback. Don't want that.

https://vapenorth.ca/collections/water-tools/products/submarine?variant=42078326554803 - honestly my favourite. It comes in pretty pink!

I was looking at some pieces on the SAML page on ebay, but some of them seem like they have a ton of tubes/recyclers/percs that would make them harder to clean. Is there a point in filtering the smoke that much?

As you can tell, I'm a bit partial to something cute/pretty. Who doesn't love a gender affirming water pipe? Anyways, I'm looking for some thoughts on the above products, or any recommended alternatives. My budget is about 80 CAD.


Well-Known Member
I have a Sneaky Pete Cube and Sub and found them serviceable. Their joints are smooth and bubble free. They seal well with almost all of my adapters, stems, and whips. They aren't perfect, the feet on the Sub are a bit uneven and the Cube has a couple of waves in its body. Neither of the imperfections interfere with the function of the pieces. A suggestion, be careful about leaving the vape on the Sub it can be a bit unstable.
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