Legal medical cannabis in the UK


Well-Known Member
So, we now have the start of legal medical cannabis in the U.K. I am a patient myself with Saphire clinics and I receive my meds from CBPM access pharmacy.
A lot of what I have read illustrates a lot of frustration from patients about either their clinic or their Pharmacy with particular frustration around supply issues. Also I see a lot about gaining access to certain strains and the overall quality.
So the question is, based on the experience of other countries, can we just expect these issues to resolve as more patients register and the population of medical users grows?
Some of the flower now is irradiated before the patient gets it! Will it ever get to the point where I can get organic flower, grown with love and dedication and akin to what I can source from the black market?
Don't get me wrong, I am delighted to be legal but will these issues resolve themselves or have we already set out on a path that will just not be the same as what the black market can provide?
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Legalization has its advantages and disadvantages.

Prior to cannabis being legalized in Canada, my doctor signed off on a medical MJ card, and counselled regarding how I used, when and of course the results.

The Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons, now treats cannabis as recreational. My doctor still supports me, but many doctors just stick to traditional meds.

Here in Canada cannabis is abundent and cheap. Budget weed starts at $2/gram. For $4/gram you can get AAA+ or AAAA rated weed.

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