Iolite Vs. Vape-or-Smoke which is better?

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Hello i posted this question on a discussion i came across here and thought i'd make a topic out of it so i'd get more responses/opinions on my question, this is what i stated/asked...

"Hi, i am totally new to smoking and vaporizing..... For health reasons i'm looking into medicinal marijuana. Now i'm not a big fan of smoking at all and would like to try vapping. I've been doing research and have narrowed things down to 2 portable vaporizers, The iolite and the vape-or-smoke. Has anyone used both of these devices ? If so what are the pros an cons of both, and which would you recommend to a novice ? Thank you all in advance."

Any and all input would be really appreciated thank you.


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Check out the relevant model threads and you'll get an idea of what will suit your needs.
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