In Harry Potter, did you cry when Doby die?

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
that little elf fella. Spoiler alert but he gets a knife in the chest and dies on a beach. I admit that I fought back tears. Not since Titanic has a movie brought me to near tears. Am I the only one moved like this?
2 Cycle,


Authorized Buyer
Isn't he the one from Lord of the Rings. I keep getting those guys mixed up. Doby want precious?

Dumbledore biting it made me a little choked up. But it was full-on tears when Richard Harris passed on.


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2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
Yeah that is him, that little big eared creature. I liked him, he was gentle
2 Cycle,


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
that little elf fella. Spoiler alert but he gets a knife in the chest and dies on a beach. I admit that I fought back tears. Not since Titanic has a movie brought me to near tears. Am I the only one moved like this?

Who is Harry Potter?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I couldn't get into Harry Potter. I am a cryer when it comes to sad movies or books. I cried at the end of Bridges Of Madison County. I wanted the main female character (Meryl Streep) to leave her husband and family for Clint Eastwood the handsome photographer.

I even tear up when Bambi's (cartoon movie) mom dies. Show me a sad movie and I will cry.
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2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
Why do people keep asking who Harry Potter is? Is this some kind of inside joke I am unaware of?
2 Cycle,


what's people? :D

i would not of seen it (or perhaps even liked it) if not for kids making me watch it, same with percy jackson (read a few of the books)....and tin tin (fun movie).


Oil Painter
I read the books. Yes, dammit, I bawled my eyes out, reading it.
I knew it was coming.
Of course, I blubbered.
So did Big D, so don't feel bad.
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