Now I've been making oil for a good 3 years now and lately it's been slowing down. I used to make oil every week or 2, now it's only once every couple of months. I think ive become scared of solvent use. Every time I take a hit, even of really nicely done oil it never feels the same as Vaping herb. I feel like I waste my herb when I make oil now adays where as before it saved me weed ( I smoked ontop of Vaping for a long while, now I'm strictly vape). So I think this is my official goodbye to oils for a long while. I'll stick to my kief to get that super " high" but I think for now I'm good with the herb. Oil gave me some great times, but it's just too unnatural for me I guess..maybe one day I will try bubble hash. Goodbye my errl heads!