I Just Got My First Vap (Iolite questions)

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Well-Known Member
I got a iolite portable vaporizer. Here are my questions. After it has been turned on and the starter button pressed, once the right temperature is reached, if I'm not inhaling off the device, is the vapor just escaping being wasted or is it trapped inside until I inhale? How can I tell when the bowl is cached since its not burning? The mouthpiece and bowl attachment seems pretty unsecure, that's more of a comment than a question.


Well-Known Member
It works by convection, without inhaling no air passes over the herbs so there will be minimal vapor loss.
It's easy to notice when the bowl is finished even though you are not burning the herb, first you can feel the vapor in your lungs and this will diminish throughout your session and secondly the flavor will be gone when the bowl is done.

Hope that helps, come back and give your thoughts in the Iolite thread when you have used it for a while.


vapor junkie
Staff member
It's actually mainly conduction-- the heat pin design is quite effective, a far cry from the old hot plate conduction vapes. Actives will boil off without inhaling, since the herb is still being heated.

Some people like to let herb preheat for a couple minutes because it can provide more visible vapor right off the bat, but they'll be losing some of the tasty initial aromatics. Vapor can escape through the mouthpiece or condense inside the bowl.

I suggest you read the iolite thread for more information on the mouthpiece and the unit itself. Have fun. :)
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