I admit that I am pretty scared of large, aggressive cats

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
It is something I have been wanting to get out in the open for a while now. I have a real fear of any cat larger than a housecat. This includes bobcats, Lynx, and up. I cannot go to zoos as I don't like how they stare at me. Is this a cat phobia?
2 Cycle,


Well-Known Member
It sounds like good sense to me. One of the many reasons I like living in a country where there aren't any large critters that want to eat me! It's only snakes around here, and not a concern in winter. Snakes are more afraid of us, they say, but I didn't see the snake drool involuntary at the sight of ME! Haha. A large cat might eat the snakes, but then where does it end, hmm? No, I'll pass on the big cats, thanks!


Authorized Buyer
Mountain lions kind of scare me. Ran into one once. Big cats move so fluidly, I'd have no time to react.


Dharma Initiate
I don't have a fear of big cats really? They are not common by me....certainly if I saw one in the woods or something I would be though!

But, I don't really like housecats. Gross. Walking in the area they shit, throwing up hair, stinky poop in the house, clawing shit, jumping on shit, eating shit on the counter, going in the cupboard and ripping food open.......spazzing around the house and knocking things over.. I can go on and on, <3 Dogs


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'm a little scared of little cats.. :)

Was at a neighbour's house yesterday and met his ginger cat called Milo, who was lovely. I introduced myself before giving him a scratch around the collar, and we were friends after that. Met the dog next.. crazy kelpie that the owner had to hold down, carry away, and I didn't bother with a pat. Not a good boy at all. Maybe one day I'll get a kitty again. When the renovations are finished.. so, quite a while off. ;) Most of the dog experiences I've had are a variation on that. Crazy things.


Well-Known Member
Cats fascinate me. All cats.

But, I don't really like housecats. Gross. ........clawing shit, jumping on shit, eating shit on the counter, going in the cupboard and ripping food open.......spazzing around the house and knocking things over.. I can go on and on, <3 Dogs

Dogs do the exact same thing. Well actually, they don't claw things but they sure as hell chew on things which could be a helluva lot worse.

I love dogs. I love cats. As a matter of fact, I can't think of an animal I don't like.

I had a cat that thought he was a dog. Loved to play fetch.......not with sticks but with balled up pieces of cellophane. He'd scramble after it and bring it back, drop it in front of me, and then gave me that look of........."Throw it again....."

Had a neighbor who raised a very young puppy around cats. Puppy grew up thinking it was a cat. Jumped off of their roof and broke his leg.
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Well-Known Member
I had a cat that thought he was a dog. Loved to play fetch.......not with sticks but with balled up pieces of cellophane. He'd scramble after it and bring it back, drop it in front of me, and then gave me that look of........."Throw it again....."

I had a cat who loved to play fetch too. She would bring me a little Christmas decoration. It was light and sparkley, I'd throw it and she'd scramble to get it and bring it back to do it again. :) Never clawed furniture, loved a brush, turned into a drooling mess over catnip.. great cat. I miss her. Loved her pats at bedtime, shed meow at me if I wasn't in bed by 10 so I could pat her to sleep. I had a photo of the first time she did the bedtime pats routine, and I was so scared shed scratch or bite me, but she never did. Not once. She was the first cat I ever had, and I sometimes wonder if I'll ever meet another like her again. :cry:
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Yup. This same cat that liked to play fetch would bring me toys in the morning to play with him. Ya know those toys that were a long, flexible thin pole with feathers and bells on top that you would twitch to play with your cat. Well just about every morning, I'd wake up to this jingling and jangling of bells coming down the hall to my bedroom and he'd be dragging this in his mouth and hopped up on my bed and would put it down on top of me and then just look at me as if to say........"Wake the fuck up and play with me !!". Kinda just like a dog with a tennis ball.

I miss that cat. When we got him as a kitten, we named him Aka.........(also known as.....:))
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Well-Known Member
These cats scare me.....




Thundercats hooooooo


T..i..double grrrrrrrrr
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