Humidity Packs


Well-Known Member
Are they necessary for people that recreational only vape and are not a cultivator? I can see applications for people in that business but I was just curious if they did more harm or had any sort of benefit to keep inside your bud jar. For what it’s worth I probably buy 3 oz at a time and that has lasted me I feel close to 2 years. A very long time but my consumption has also greatly increased :tinfoil:

Not really supposed to be a Boveda vs Integra Boost thread but if you like humidity packs tell me about it and which you use.


SEARCH for the treasure...
I and others have expressed ourselves already, so I won’t repeat it, but you should be able to get the info you want here:



Well-Known Member
Oh hell yeah, when I was buying a bunch at a time I'd use boveda packs and, like you, it'd last me a year or more and the bud stayed super fresh and moist.

I prefer it that way, some people prefer it drier.

I wonder if getting already dry bud from a dispensary and then remoistening with the boveda packs has already had detrimental effects on the bud or not but I try not to worry about such things.

Honestly I don't see how not using humidity packs could ever be "better" than using them.
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