How healthy is dry herb vaping?

Green Kiwi

Well-Known Member
Vaporizing flower takes a lot of energy to do well.
Totally agree, especially convection.
I reckon that I as exclusivly "flowervaporhead"go trough perhaps 3 times as much energy "sucking"battery power , compared to if I would have been powering a concentrate portable.:sherlock:.
Not that I mind though, I am still after 25 years of vaping, still a "flower=full spectrum"guy.
I tried concentrates, a thousand times(litaraly, and besides they fuck my tolerance, they actually(for some probably real weird reason:hmm:)not really help me with my condition(massive brain damage caused by a shattered skull).
My best med's are delivered via herbvaping.
I do like Edibles, and they do work sort of alright for my condition, .....But I only can lay my hand on self-made edibles, and I do find it quiet,labour intensive to make them......I wish I could buy them:bowdown:.
And I totally agree with @invertedisdead ,the body can really, have a rest after edibles.
Best thing no tar involved. !although I honestly don't think there is ANY tar in dry herb vapour , it's just waxes and actives,:cry:.
And I personally like to keep those waxes out of my lungs, I reckon they give me allergy ,so hence I prefer vaping with a watertool,whatever the preference might be.....I am absolutely impressed with how well the Obsidian filters out those waxes but is still delivering imho really tasteful hits ,and to be honest medicates me more than just a dry whip from the Hybrid.... most likely because you can take a bigger hit without irritation:2c::leaf:.Aroha!


Well-Known Member
I think vaping is better health wise than smoking, and edibles are healthier than vaping. The last few years ive drastically cut back on my vaping.

I went from wheezing every night to no wheezing, coughing a lot to hardly coughing. My sinuses are better as well, but I think some supplements im taking have helped too. If anyone is interested here's what I take for these issues.,aps,244&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_5_4



Well-Known Member
How healthy is dry herb vaping?

Well folks after a good year on/off buying different vapes, reading tons of info on forums and websites etc. I've come to the conclusion dry herb vaping is not safe long term, possibly a lot healthier than combustion but overall it will cause similar damage to the delicate airways in the human body.

I tried going the vape route yet seemed to encounter more problems with the throat than I ever did with combustion yet there were benefits to breathing and my lungs. Overall vaping will cause damage to the body as will combustion. I'm going the tincture/edible route for now but since I sing and play music I'm going to abstain from vaping with the current data I've seen and the studies I've read basically all say there is no safe inhalation method. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the holidays!

Re: Vaping and the voice/singing I'm posting a few links to some articles I came across that weren't research studies but an actual clinical observation by a Doctor who deals with singers and this greatly enlightened me as I thought vaping an answer to smoking. Willie Nelson cancelled some concerts recently due to breathing issues and I think he's been using the surfer a long time now probably never quit combusting either but it looks like his usage is taking a toll on him as he's very healthy otherwise and performs constantly. I guess everything is cumulative when it comes down to singers and any kind of abuse to the voice box and throat. Someone said here in a post to "vape in moderation" I guess that was good advice. Maybe that will work?
You start with the question "How healthy is dry her vaping?". The problem is, compared to what?

Breathing in fresh air is always the heathiest.

Is vaping healthier than drinking alcohol? I don't know.

Is vaping healthier than smoking? I don't know.

In my case, is vaping cannabis healthier than taking benzodiazepines? This, I do know. The answer is yes.

We all make health decisions, or decisions about recreational drugs. Let's not forget, alcohol is a drug. When we make these decisions, they go best with moderation and common sense. For me, I trust my doctor and my family to remind me if I forget about 'moderation and common sense', and yes it has happened.


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Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I read a recent report on esophageal cancer. They were blaming it on hot tea. It is an interesting observation. If just the thermal implications of tea can be associated with cancers, then a hot vape over time could also become a factor. I am very mindful of redirecting hot gasses with my tongue, the sacrificial body part. People tell me to hold my tongue all the time so no big loss.

Reapetedly heating your body increases your dose of background radiation, this increases more even just by taking a car ride.
Pilots tend to recieve a higher yearly background radiation dose than the rest of us to the tune of a few milisieverts a year.
It is one of the few minor risks that vaping will possibly cause. I do mean minor risk. There are many things that increase background radiation, we generaly get around 5 to 7 milisieverts per year. Depending where you live and what you do. Background radiation is accumulative from all sources.
50 milisievers per year is (was?)considered the maximum dosge for those who work around ionising radiation.
So its possible that hot tea could increase your chances of cancer. But i feel it highly unlikely it would cause it on its own.
Best to drink Black Coffee Just in Case. Or cold tea.
Then there is the fact that benzene, a known pollutant in our everyday enviroment, IS cancer causing. But they keep VERY quiet about that, and levels of benzene in the enviroment. What about rubber dust or dust from brake pads? C02 has been used as a distraction from any other real,actual pollution problems. Like plastic. We now appearantly can have plastic showing up in our blood stream and can have allergic reactions to plastics. That is more of a worry.
I would worry about Tea about as much as i would Thc.
But then i normaly drink Coffee so im fine......Excuse me while i make like a hoover on my Glassware.
I believe we suffer more harm from vehicle exhaust and cleaning products than from Vaping Cannabis.
I still drive and clean shit tho unless i can get out of the cleaning and convince the missus to do it.
Not because i think its a womans job, it is not. Its just somehow i get stuck with the truly disgusting jobs, like the drain i had to unblock 2 days ago. Fresh bezoars anyone?
Curious Gorilla,
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Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
My smoking years were immediately followed by continuous vaping, and at first the amount of dirty phlegm expelled increased as the cilia began to work again, and my lungs continued to clean themselves for a year, then despite vaping two grams daily for the whole time the mucus became clear and coughing stopped. Then after more years of heavy vaping there is still no breathing problem, no THC stained mucus, no coughing, no sign of any accumulation of anything. THC, nicotine and other biologically active molecules ARE absorbed rapidly (that's how they work). Nobody has said that 100% of the THC taken into the lungs actually enters the bloodstream and I have already explained what happens. Most absorption occurs deep in the lungs, where the vapour isn't hot and the lungs aren't cold. Nothing you have posted is logical and you don't read or don't understand anything that others post. And now back to gravity again! Irrelevant and willfully ignorant comments that don't deserve a response.
Completely agree, similar experience,same daily amount, for a year and a half.
It was Lovely getting my sense of smell back properly after a few weeks of stopping combustion and vaping cannabis instead.

If we are not coughing shit up or having problems with mucus I suspect our lungs are nice and clear. They repair themselves when you quit smoking.
Never mind hot tea and Vaping Dry Herb , its the sugar that will kill you....

" The observational study found adults who consumed more than two sweetened drinks a day had their risk of death increase by 21 percent over adults who drank less than one sweetened drink a month. For women, their risk increased by 25 percent, while the risk for men was up 12 percent.
The study also found sugary drinks were associated with a 31 percent increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease for both men and women. "

From the Deadly Tea link publication....

Not saying cannabis has zero risks, realisticaly i think lack of motivation and distraction leading to procastination are probably the main risks that can effect people using cannabis. Maybe thats just me........
Bearing that in mind, looking at it as a comparitive risk factor, I dont think we need to worry too much about vapourising Cannabis.
Quitting coke,pepsi(is pepsi still a thing?) and other sugary drinks may be far far more likely to improve health than quitting Cannabis. If those percentages are correct.
And cannabis doesnt cause diabetes....... It can help regulate blood sugar. With the right cannabinoid profile.
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Curious Gorilla,
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Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
And cannabis doesnt cause diabetes....... It can help regulate blood sugar. With the right cannabinoid profile.
Anywhere it says "may help" in a study, replace it with "does help. With the right cannabinoid profile."
I know this from personal experience,research and looking at data over a 25 year period.
Although it can effect everyone slightly differently. Same as with pharmacuitical medications.
Curious Gorilla,
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