high thc tolerance sucks....


Well-Known Member
Statezize your vaping schedule...dont just vape every chance you get. Be aware of your tolerance and basically see it as a meter. You have to keep it where you like it...when it goes uptoo high...the next day you only get 1 vape sesh at night. Untill your back where you where. Unlike smoking, with vaping its so potent you really have to fight to build a tolerance.

gettin lifted

take it from a guy that has just fixed his tolerance issues.. vape less and get higher.

maybe take 2-4 weeks off and really lower that tolerance.

best of luck to you.
gettin lifted,


Well-Known Member
i rotate between , vaping , smoking and eating:o

works well for me, if you have never had proper weed brownies or cookies... you missing out on being higher than you have ever been in your life... but its a different high to smoking or vaping.. but i still prefer the high from vaping... its controlled and much cleaner than smoking


Well-Known Member
I recently switched to vaping a lot less by just only taking 2-3 hits each time, and then if you wait a little bit there will be effect
and the next time will be at least 30 min later, often more(altough in the weekends at night it sometimes becomes 15 min., because weed makes me loose my sense of time a bit, wich is really pleasant btw)
I vape now 1-2 bowls(VG handcarved) a day, maybe a bit more in the weekends(especially saturdaynight since then I go to friends or to a bar with friends, and we always go to a bar that allows smoking weed, so also vaping)
before it was 3-4 bowls, and from these 1-2 bowls I get just as high


Well-Known Member
A lot of people take the position that, because a majority of users began smoking/vaping a lot, it's best to knock out that tolerance completely with a break and start from scratch.

Mediating Cannabis/Cannabinoid Withdrawal Symptoms via Endocannabinoid

^Read this it explains a lot. With exercise and a few supplements added to your diet, you could remove withdrawal symptoms and at the same time drop your tolerance faster than you would otherwise.


Well-Known Member
One thing you can try is switching up your strains. It would help even more if you could get your hands on some strong Indica dominant stuff.. or even any mid-grade weed. The Indicas and mid-grade are mostly CBD/CBN rather than THC.. so this works just like a tolerance break but specifically for THC--you're consuming CBD/CBN and not consuming THC. When you return to vaping Sativa dominant strains, you should be happier with the strength of your highs. :)


Well-Known Member
Another vestige of combustion is the compulsion to keep vaping until you feel the effects of the cannabis, IMO. This is problematic, as we all know, as the discernible effects of vaping are delayed in perception.

My advice is to take 1-3 hits and get up and walk away from your vaporizer/turn it off; if after 20 minutes you are not satiated, then rinse and repeat.

Momatik has some seriously helpful advice with regards to maximizing your tolerance breaks -- its implications are exciting.

keep it clean


Teh vapor
2 things to try that have worked for me

a) workout prior to vaping/combusting including some sort of cardio
b) keep your water intake high

these two combined do a pretty good job stimulating the detox process in the body, and it's much simpler than taking a shit ton of supplements (even though i do that as well)


Well-Known Member
workout prior to vaping/combusting including some sort of cardio

40 minutes of running increased anandamide levels in the blood by 80% in 1 study. Anandamide upregulates CB1 and CB2.


hello,as with all substances we get used to things.sometimes there are diferentr reasons as with medicines and drugs and active products that our bodies are aware of.marijuana is one of the very few if the only plant that provides a steady product.meaning you can not in fact over dose or as hypocritical get used to it.now obviously you are used to it and it seems to be less quality.this is comon with all products.most other products do in fact like chemicals and drugs ,need to have the dosage increased because the body is not receptive to the poisons any more.all pharmicutical medicines and drugs are dangerouse poisons that definastly hurt you more than the thing it is tring to kill.our bodies are big enough to usually live through the extremly dangerous harsh chemicals that legall medicine drugs in fact are.so our bodies actually are fighting the medicine[drugs] as a natural resistance,sorry for long answer,and there are also mentally prepared meaning you get used to it or even adicted.these are not all the same thing or feeling.so an addicted mentally to a product person is going to want more and more strenth product while also they may actully also need a stronger product because it is no longer diong its job.mental tolerence and medical tolerance is diferent.adiction is either mental or phisical or both.most people believe thety are addicted and in fact are just weak.we all are addicted to everything we love in life.so marijuana will be just as strong medically every day for a year,as aposed to any doctor aproved drug would be changed many times in dosage or product because as i said our bodies can only handle so many chemicals at once.im sure you are all aware of the person or ani,mal going to surgery but they say the the person may not be strong enough for the chemo is a better example.so th3e short answer is i personally and most medicinal marijuana users,change or product all the time just like eating dinner or any food it is diferent.were im at and growing movement like here do not in fact smoke marijuan any more,it is after all as known here smoking is bad.but also we ,they do not smoke plant matter we ,they only vaporize,or since that is also history,they dab.dab is the new world term for all medicinal aptients ,it is comonaly used term,so changing your product ocasionally will do wonders.also if you can,go without,even for one day,it will be noticable,if you can go without for a week or so you will be like smoking for the first time,you will have cleaned out your gotten used to and be like new expirence.change your use habbit like some people smoke big fattys,smoke out of little i hit pipe,or some type of management like that can also do huge.smoke lower quality as in trim,lower grades are even better medicine alot of the time becuase they are not hybridzed and may in fact be more potent in specific alkoloids like yer old brick bud or mexi.ok i will stop now,,peace


my tolerence is screwed, i've started cutting back , but i still smoke at least 3-4 grams a day.

the da buddha i ordered has just passed aussie customs ! but really did they have to hold it for like a week.


Boom Shankar
i've been vaping daily for atleast 5 months now, and a tiny bowl (less than 0.1g) still has me feeling good, especially now that i'm vapor bonging. I usually go through 4-5 bowls in a day, starting at like 10 am and ending around midnight/1 AM. I think the key is that "less is more" when it comes to ganja. Instead of trying to smoke a huge amount, take a few hits and try and become more aware of the high feeling

gettin lifted

i think its important to note that there is different kinds of tolerance.

you can have tolerance to thc, in which too much is stored in your fat cells and this tells your cannabinoid receptors to down regulate the available bonding sites.

then the other is purely receptor down regulation, not from the thc in your fat telling it to shut down but just from overtoking.

either way if you want to make a significant improvement in your highs you'll need to take a break.

if you ask me its 1 week for any significant change. with 4-6 weeks making you a weed virgin again.

just remember, the longer the break the more good you can do for yourself.

remember: you'll need to change your vaping schedule to less times in a day and lesser amounts after your break or you'll shoot back up to the same tolerance you were at within a week or two.

so make the break count and when you come back ease back into vaping.
gettin lifted,

Earths Essence

New Member
The battle against tolerance is another great side of effect of cannabis use, in my opinion. The reason I say this, is because it is quite common while attempting to lower THC tolerance to do more wise, healthy activities. For example, drinking more water, running, eating a more balanced diet, cutting down on amount of use, etc, all account for lowering a user's tolerance.

Think of it like this: To lower THC tolerance, and in return perceive a much more profound effect of the compounds, all a user has to do is cut down, and be a more healthy person.
Earths Essence,


Technical Skeptical
i haven't noticed any sort of tolerance increase, if i can't feel satiated, i just raise the temp.


Well-Known Member
Simple solution:

1) Cut back. Simply vaping every other day will do it, or skipping every 2nd or 3rd day. Only do 3-4 vape pulls per day, and try stick to around the same time each night. Any more than that and you'll just frying yourself into lethargy. You know this is true. If you can't cut back, then you have developed a psychological dependence, and you need to step back and get control. Your body isn't meant to ALWAYS have high amounts of THC cruising through it's veins at all times. Once you skip a day, the day following that, the urge to vape is 90% gone. For those of you who can't bear the thought of skipping days, the urge goes away after simply skipping 1 day. That 1st day is tough, but get through it, and get a good night's sleep...then the next day the urge is 90% gone. Try it, you'll be surprised how quickly you can resume enjoying life without it, you will forget about it quickly and before you know it, days and weeks have passed. Then, when you vape again you feel you've earned it, it's a great feeling knowing YOU have control, not some plant controlling you. Plus, after a break for consecutive days or more, you will notice how much better and fluid your speech is. Words and thoughts become faster and sharper with little effort. I find this enjoyable in itself. Your dreams will return. Your sex drive will go up. Your lungs will feel better. When you get baked too much, thinking becomes a task. Your greatest asset in life, and your money maker, is your brain, you must protect it.

2) Flip-flop between strains if you can.


Well-Known Member
I don't really agree on the thinking and speech part... one of the reasons I vape is because it makes me think more(and definaty faster, the speed of my thinking improves a lot when I'm high, wich is probably also the reason I can think more), and more clear, and I can hold the most passionate speeches when I'm high, and on the rare ocassions when I do dream it's usually when I went to bed really high(before I ever smoked weed I already rarely dreamed, about once a half year or so, this is still about the same, maybe a bit more often now)
and the days that I not vape(usually when I'm either in a really good mood or a bad mood, when I don't want to get high anyway, for example the first day this year when it was sunny springweather, I got a massive springfeeling and I just felt high on life, no need to get high on weed), are the days that my sexdrive is also decreased

I do agree with the cutting bck tough, a few weeks back I cut back to only 3-4 hits each time instead of the entire bowl(in my VG), wich got me way higher(with a break of only 2 days in between), and a few days again I seemed to not get really high, and now I discovered that with only 1 hit I get higher then from 3-4 hits :p
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