So my local high end eerl collective had been selling a high CBD/low THC flower strain called "Cannaquin" (a cross between Harlequin and something else, I forget) which sits @ 17% CBD/5%THC in flower form. I tried some and it was okay. Some members here said its good for pain management, however it didn't do much for my back at the time. I ended up throwing some high THC concentrate on it to get a "full spectrum" vape, which actually turned out pretty well.
Anyway, when I got this stuff last month I was thinking to myself that its a shame that they never did a BHO run with it.
Well, they did.
The collective states that it tested out at "71.02%", however they don't clarify as to what that % is of. Could be THC, could be CBD. I'm not sure yet, and I forgot to ask, however my guess is CBD given the numbers for the flower.
First of all this shit smells interesting. I don't 100% remember what the flower smelled like, but this has a floral scent that I am not familiar with. Its not bad in any way (very sweet smelling) but given no other information, I probably wouldn't = to MJ if I caught a whiff of it.
The next thing I noticed is how fucking sticky this stuff is. Its a chore to get it off of the parchment paper. I almost have to flick it off onto my tool using very little pressure, else wise it will just smear back onto the paper. I've honestly never had an oil do this to such an extent, so that's interesting too.
And now on to effect!
Well, this is also very interesting. I ended up trying a dab of it (yesterday and then again today before I medicated with anything else) through my Nano (put it in some McFinn's organic cotton as a medium). Flavor is like the smell but much more mild. Not bad at all IMO. Onset of the high, however, was not my favorite. I could immediately feel it coming on, and a few minutes after finishing the dab it really started to climb. After 5 minutes or so, I almost felt uncomfortable. Not in a heady "I'm freaking out" kinda way, but more like "my body doesn't like this" kinda uncomfortable.
That's the bad news, because it happened both times I tried it.
The good news is that by ~10 minutes in, that goes away and I get a very relaxing, almost opiate style body high, along with a noticeable but very manageable head high. Id say this is a good medication if you have to work or get shit done as long as you can resist just melting into your chair for a while.
Pain? Yea, it gets rid of that too!
Obviously I've got a lot more dabbling to do with this (pun intended) before I make any solid decisions, but so far this sap is looking legit!
And if anyone cares, here's the collective's WeedMaps menu:
Anyway, when I got this stuff last month I was thinking to myself that its a shame that they never did a BHO run with it.
Well, they did.

The collective states that it tested out at "71.02%", however they don't clarify as to what that % is of. Could be THC, could be CBD. I'm not sure yet, and I forgot to ask, however my guess is CBD given the numbers for the flower.
First of all this shit smells interesting. I don't 100% remember what the flower smelled like, but this has a floral scent that I am not familiar with. Its not bad in any way (very sweet smelling) but given no other information, I probably wouldn't = to MJ if I caught a whiff of it.
The next thing I noticed is how fucking sticky this stuff is. Its a chore to get it off of the parchment paper. I almost have to flick it off onto my tool using very little pressure, else wise it will just smear back onto the paper. I've honestly never had an oil do this to such an extent, so that's interesting too.
And now on to effect!
Well, this is also very interesting. I ended up trying a dab of it (yesterday and then again today before I medicated with anything else) through my Nano (put it in some McFinn's organic cotton as a medium). Flavor is like the smell but much more mild. Not bad at all IMO. Onset of the high, however, was not my favorite. I could immediately feel it coming on, and a few minutes after finishing the dab it really started to climb. After 5 minutes or so, I almost felt uncomfortable. Not in a heady "I'm freaking out" kinda way, but more like "my body doesn't like this" kinda uncomfortable.
That's the bad news, because it happened both times I tried it.
The good news is that by ~10 minutes in, that goes away and I get a very relaxing, almost opiate style body high, along with a noticeable but very manageable head high. Id say this is a good medication if you have to work or get shit done as long as you can resist just melting into your chair for a while.
Pain? Yea, it gets rid of that too!
Obviously I've got a lot more dabbling to do with this (pun intended) before I make any solid decisions, but so far this sap is looking legit!
And if anyone cares, here's the collective's WeedMaps menu:
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