For Trade [Have] Wood Lamart BAKx [Want] Tetra P80


Active Member

I have an extra wood BAKx that I was hoping to trade one-for-one for a TP80 in good/lightly used conditions. I'd rather try a TP80 than have a backup BAKx-- figured maybe there's someone who feels the same way on the opposite side. Definitely NOT looking to sell though.

The darker one is Wenge, and the lighter one is Satinwood-- happy to part with whichever one you like best. Both very lightly used.

Comes with the usual package of (unused) goodies from Lamart: glass stem w/ dimple, glass stem with beads, metal stem, WPA adaptors, screens, stickers. Mod not included.

Let me know if you have any questions! Show me what ya got! :)

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