hates weed, loves me high


Well-Known Member
I bet lots of people on here have my problem.

In 2006 when I met my wife, she was 23, I was 28, she shared her pipe and some weed with me, and I became a habitual smoker ever since. My wife has never been a habitual smoker, it was always light and casual for her. Me? I was never a habitual smoker, I bought only a dime bag before I was 28 (in college, once).

15 years later, now we have 3 kids (2 with special needs), I have an even more ambitious job, and I'm the only source of income. My wife thinks my vaping/edibles and joints are juvenile. It never causes fights, she's learned to accept that Im subborn, and I do keep the weed away from the kids.

The problem
Here's the part that infuriates me though, she always asks me why I'm so 'nice' when i'm high. She loves it when I'm high! But if she 'suspects' im high she doesn't want to be around me or talk to me. If she can't tell, it's like we're living in a dream world where everyone is nice to eachother (which never happens in my house). The problem I think weed solves: I'm nicer, and therefore my wife is nicer to me, and then the kids are nice, also.

My concern:
I'm considering being high most of the time I interact with my wife. What will happen to my experience switching being high only at night when the family is asleep, to being high for maybe even 1/3rd to 1/2 of the daylight hours. Is there a downside to being high around your family and making that the new-normal?


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I'm sure there are plenty of times where my wife and kids would prefer I chill the fuck out and get high.

The downside to using herb for a more consistent personality mod might be...... My wife and I are polar opposites. She's "the nice one". I fell in love with all that she is, niceness warts and all......I believe it was the same for her relative to my edginess. If I lost my "edge" there would be way too much nice up in here. The puzzle pieces may not fit as well even if it takes a bit of time to notice.

Also..increased use means increased cost.....


Well-Known Member
For myself as a disabled vet, I am the best version of myself I can be. I don't wake up thinking I am going to be in a bad mood et al.
It just allows me to communicate my needs wants and be a more jovial and kindhearted parent. All while being productive etc.

I don't think there is a right or wrong, just realizing that you are probably a nicer "better" person shows you are probably on the right track.

My wife does not use and never has outside of once in college, myself I didn't start vaping until after the military but it's allowed me to be a more well rounded adult I feel.


Well-Known Member
I am a medical patient for depression, anxiety, and past cancer (complete remission for 9 years thankfully). My wife of 19 years has never tried cannabis. She is, however, very supportive of my medicinal use. She allowed me to setup a vape den in the bathroom, and supported me telling my two oldest children about it (ages 13 and 11).

She doesn't love the fact that I need to take medication of any kind now, nor do I, but agrees I am a better, nicer, happier person when high. I try to be a little bit high most of the time to maintain a balanced level of mental stability. I've grown accustom to the feeling as being my normal, and am happier with life as a result.

If your username is an indication, and you are from Illinois, you have access to recreational and medical. Maybe if you got your medical card to legitimize the use for stress or something that could help. I'm sorry that you are having a difficult situation dealing with an unsupportive spouse. I'm slowly informing potentially unsupportive family members about my medical use, so I can understand the frustration of the stigma. My parents may be a tough one though.


Well-Known Member
It can be freeing for all involved when cannabis use is seen via the medical metaphor.
Few will judge harshly the reality of benefit for all when some are happier in life when the medicine is named Zoloff or Prosac or Cialis.
Cannabis is medicine for the human dis-ease wherein one just doesn't feel right in their skin in the center of their world experience.

The dis-ease has been given many names like existential angst, but I call it samsara, the Sanskrit word suggestive of the sum of all our sorrows.
Cannabis is good for the body but it works on the plane of consciousness.
A happy person need not not be nice.
Not complaining is like having nothing to complain about.


Semi shaved ape
It can be freeing for all involved when cannabis use is seen via the medical metaphor.
Few will judge harshly the reality of benefit for all when some are happier in life when the medicine is named Zoloff or Prosac or Cialis.
Cannabis is medicine for the human dis-ease wherein one just doesn't feel right in their skin in the center of their world experience.

The dis-ease has been given many names like existential angst, but I call it samsara, the Sanskrit word suggestive of the sum of all our sorrows.
Cannabis is good for the body but it works on the plane of consciousness.
A happy person need not not be nice.
Not complaining is like having nothing to complain about.
Cannabis is medicine for the human experience.


Well-Known Member
Took me forever to get back to fc. Thx for the thoughtful responses folks. This is truest a great board.

I need to change my name, I was only in Chicago for a short time :)
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