I bought my usual 2 packs a day(for 30 years) on a thursday in sept. 2009 and when in the pharmacy i spotted some nicotinegum,there on the spot decided,they were gonna be my last cigarettes ever,so i spread these out over the next four days.
After which over the following 2 days i used 6 nicotine gums to relieve some fyscical withdrawal-symptoms.
This had been fermenting for a while already and for some reason that day i'd had enough(of the costs or negative healthbenefits,probably good deal of both).
Although giving up the booze and the coke was a lot easier than this,it wasn't nearly as bad for me as i'd feared.
The only time i,to my utmost horror,found myselves holding a lit cigarette since was in a dream and even there i quickly realised 'this is wrong'and put it out with the proper disgust.

Big part for me that made me stick it out were the quickly apparent improvements in overall health and also the return of long lost smelling and tasting abilities.
Focusing on the plusses can help a huge amount,or at least it did for me(having the willpower to quit is a good one,takes your pride back a
bit after being it's slave for only 30 years...

If you're not convinced about the health risks of any type of tobacco usage,think of the money you'll save!
I was up to about 3800,-euro a year...
So not smelling like an ashtray(never fully appreciated just how bad that is until i quit myself),living longer and better with more money...it really should be a no-brainer.
Just how many people still keep doing it,i'd say best illustrates the addictiveness of smoking in itself.
Everebody thinking about quitting,please do,i highly recommend it!