This is a very cool vaporizer, but it wasn't right for the person I intended to gift it to, so I'd like to let it go while I get them something else. The hammer is butane powered, portable, tough, and able to give very large hits, even out of glass with the use of an O-ring.
-Hammer vape
-2 stock stems
-1 silver-fumed chillum which works great and fits the exchanger perfectly, roughly 2x the bowl size of the stock ones.
100$ shipped over paypal OBO, or trades are very welcome - other vapes, electronics, glass, musical equipment, etc..
-Hammer vape
-2 stock stems
-1 silver-fumed chillum which works great and fits the exchanger perfectly, roughly 2x the bowl size of the stock ones.
100$ shipped over paypal OBO, or trades are very welcome - other vapes, electronics, glass, musical equipment, etc..