Going to Vancouver, any Recommendations about getting Flower or maybe a Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
So I'm meeting up with Friends in PNW & going skiing next month. So i haven't been to Vancouver since before legalization so don't know how things work. Can you use CC or is it all cash like in states? Anything really good to look out for in the shops?

I also got the idea I might score a deal on a Canadian made vaporizer? Any thoughts on that? Something like a Tafee Bowle is that likely to be any kind of a break? or am i being unrealistic?
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I'm local. Shops will take CC or bank card. The legal ones anyway. I am not sure if there are any grey market shops open anymore, it seems to have moved on-line. You can find some on-line in Vancouver that will deliver and take cash or credit card. I've only tried one, and their products were total crap. So avoid any one with the initials WDV. Lots of great craft on-line here, I just don't know any local who deliver. I wish that I did. I am also too old for Instagram and Telegram which is where I hear the deals are.

What to look for? My top recommendation is Mango Gold by Ross's Gold: https://kiaro.com/pages/commercial-menu#/product/10525406
I had some last summer and it was like vaping through a fresh, just ripe, Thai Mango. I need to go grab some when it stops raining. That is my govt shop of choice as it lies between my favourite pub and home. :lol: I think they are all pretty much the same though. They all seem to sell off of the same govt licensed menu.

The only deals that I know of are on-line from the larger vape sites. You might find a goodish deal at Haze Smoke Shop. They have the Arizer Solo 3 (which I highly recommend) on for what looks to be a good price. https://hazesmokeshop.ca/product/arizer-solo-3/
That the the place where I usually shop and they are good to deal with.


Well-Known Member
thanks Chill. i have looked over Arizer before. Most of the ones i've seen are too big to be very stealth so i have passed.


Well-Known Member
You can forget the Mango Gold, it is all gone now. I tried to get some on the 27th and no one had it. I ended up mail ordering it from a few hours away!

I agree the Arizer line is not all that stealthy. I mostly vape at home so it is not a concern for me.


Just gonna add some legal market strains/brands to look for while you're here. I've been really liking the sundae driver from woody nelson, crunchberries from sweetgrass cannabis, and the cloud berry drizzle from Dealr. Most stores will also have all their products online if you wanted to shop around ahead of time. Enjoy!
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