Girlfriend wants to buy a vape and I don't know what to recommend

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Unconscious Objector
Long story short. My girlfriend has been smoking weed for about 20 years, tobacco for about 25 years (she's 45), and has recently come down with bronchitis and possible emphysema (sp? and eek). As a former nurse she's smart enough to know that she's got to stop smoking, so she wants to vape (weed and tobacco, not together though). and she's looking at the Iolite, which is what I have.

I like the Iolite, but am open to telling her about other vapes as well; most specifically the Launchbox, and perhaps the Vapir products (not keen on them personally, but I've never used them and don't know anyone who has).

Her priorities are;

1) She wants to get high
2) Minimizing throat and lung irritation
3) Portability (don't care about stationary units since we will use an Extreme-Q at home and in the motor home and at home).
4) Reliability.

And somewhere in there is ease of use. Can anyone vouch for the Launchbox? How is easy it to use? There's really little to breakdown, right?

She doesn't particularly care about it being thrfity on weed, since she smokes about an ounce a month and could use more if warranted.

I'm open to any advice, even for vapes not mentioned. Stealth is not an issue.

thanks all.



Well-Known Member
Does Tobacco and Weed need different temps to vape? I don't know, but if they do, the Iolite isn't gonna work due to the fixed temp.
And as far as Vapir, I've just heard too many negative things about their vapes to recommend them to anyone.

That kinda leaves the LaunchBox, that is, if you need to vary the temp.


New Member
lwien said:
Does Tobacco and Weed need different temps to vape? I don't know, but if they do, the Iolite isn't gonna work due to the fixed temp.
And as far as Vapir, I've just heard too many negative things about their vapes to recommend them to anyone.

That kinda leaves the LaunchBox, that is, if you need to vary the temp.
Tobacco vapes betweeen 140-200C so yeah the Iolite would work. Personally I heard the Iolite uses a lot of butane, and that's just extra money spent that's not needed, personally. The vapir one looks pretty cool. I just started looking at it, and it looks really good. Digital temp display, no battery or fuel, just charge and go. I heard it's a little loud, and I don't have much more to tell you, because I haven't used it. The vaporgenie is good, but I heard you can actually combust if you're not careful, so to me that's a little iffy, I wouldn't risk it, plus oyu need a lighter.

It's all up to what you want really, each has it's advantages and disadvantages.


Out to lunch
I heard the Iolite uses a lot of butane
Since you can get a 320ml can of Vector fuel pretty cheap, I think that criticism is way over blown. I have yet to use up my first can of Vector, and I bought an iolite when they first hit the market. I think butane cost would only be a factor if you're a heavy vaper, use nothing but the iolite, and buy those little high priced cans of butane they sell in drugstores.

The iolite is easier to use than the LB, and is just as portable and stealthy (except for sound). I'd say the iolite would be easier as far as cooling the vapor. You can add tubing to either unit, but it would compromise the stealth aspect more on the LB. With the iolite tubing can be disguised as a straw. The LB, being a much more simple design, has the edge in reliability. They have an unbeatable warranty, as well.


New Member
max said:
I heard the Iolite uses a lot of butane
Since you can get a 320ml can of Vector fuel pretty cheap, I think that criticism is way over blown. I have yet to use up my first can of Vector, and I bought an iolite when they first hit the market. I think butane cost would only be a factor if you're a heavy vaper, use nothing but the iolite, and buy those little high priced cans of butane they sell in drugstores.

The iolite is easier to use than the LB, and is just as portable and stealthy (except for sound). I'd say the iolite would be easier as far as cooling the vapor. You can add tubing to either unit, but it would compromise the stealth aspect more on the LB. With the iolite tubing can be disguised as a straw. The LB, being a much more simple design, has the edge in reliability. They have an unbeatable warranty, as well.
Really? I thought you can use an entire can in 2 hours, or something like that... I thought it used a full can or maybe my facts are completely wrong. How fast does it use it, and how much are the things of butane? I honestly would only use it if I went on a nature hike or something cool.


Combustion free since '09
Another thought to consider is YES she can use tobacco in an iolite. Also many e-cig users are looking at the iolites (and using them) with the nicotine liquid on organic cotton in the chamber... It puts out vapor like a freight train with the liquid!!! Some folks are also using molasses (hookah tobacco) in the iolites as well.

I love my Iolites and while I don't use them for my nicotine fix other than for novelty or showing others it is nice to know that if all my e-cig stuff crapped out I COULD use the Iolite to get nicotine. I took one to an e-cig meetup this weekend and it bowls people over with the amount of vapor it puts out.

For herb purposes.... I would not want my Iolite to be my only device but damn I love them....use them a lot and have many friends that are also purchasing them. I don't use a lot of butane.... bought a case of it and still have quite a bit left. The cans last A LONG TIME!!

My main vape though is still my PD :D

Edited to add:
I am now over 6 months off cigs with the e-smoking and several months off combustion completely... I feel so much better I can't even tell you what an improvement it is. I hope the same for your girlfriend!!!


Unconscious Objector
Konrad_Zuse said:
Really? I thought you can use an entire can in 2 hours, or something like that... I thought it used a full can or maybe my facts are completely wrong. How fast does it use it, and how much are the things of butane? I honestly would only use it if I went on a nature hike or something cool.
A can of Colibiri butane was 4.99 Cdn. I bought 2 cans when I bought my Iolite on December 11th. Still on the first can. I've used it every day, for at least 4 sessions per day. Each session will involve 8-12 heat ups/auto heat ups of the catalytic heater.

I haven't yet done a test to see how long a complete fill of the Iolite would last, but definitely much long than the herb that one would load in the chamber.



New Member
tdavie said:
Konrad_Zuse said:
Really? I thought you can use an entire can in 2 hours, or something like that... I thought it used a full can or maybe my facts are completely wrong. How fast does it use it, and how much are the things of butane? I honestly would only use it if I went on a nature hike or something cool.
A can of Colibiri butane was 4.99 Cdn. I bought 2 cans when I bought my Iolite on December 11th. Still on the first can. I've used it every day, for at least 4 sessions per day. Each session will involve 8-12 heat ups/auto heat ups of the catalytic heater.

I haven't yet done a test to see how long a complete fill of the Iolite would last, but definitely much long than the herb that one would load in the chamber.

Oh wow, that's nuts. Idk where I heard that it runs out after 2 hours of use with the butane in it, and that it sucks up quickly, but that seems like it's lasting you a good amount of time.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
I can vouch for the Launch Box as far as a great portable vaporizer for herb, but can't tell you anything about using it for tobacco. Best to quit the tobacco and vape more herb.


Well-Known Member
My girl loves the the Vapor Genie , I been using as my home vape for the last 5-6 days . You have to do the lighter but man that thing can kick my ass . The LB is a bad mother too .


Unconscious Objector
@Konrad_Zuse; I think the two hours figure came from the fact that the Iolite is supposed to last for 2 hours on a full charge of butane. I don't think it would run for 2 hours on a charge, but it lasts long enough for me.

@lo; thanks for letting me know that tobacco can be vaped in an Iolite. I'll pass this information along to my girlfriend. She did make a pretty good go of it in the summer and quit for 14 weeks, but then some major stress came along and it was back to smoking.

thanks all



New Member
tdavie said:
@Konrad_Zuse; I think the two hours figure came from the fact that the Iolite is supposed to last for 2 hours on a full charge of butane. I don't think it would run for 2 hours on a charge, but it lasts long enough for me.

@lo; thanks for letting me know that tobacco can be vaped in an Iolite. I'll pass this information along to my girlfriend. She did make a pretty good go of it in the summer and quit for 14 weeks, but then some major stress came along and it was back to smoking.

thanks all

Ah okay, that clears it up. Also as I mentioned above Tobacco vapes from 140C-200C so it would be fine in the iolite I'm sure. I don't see what restrictions any vape has for herbs, besides temps.


Unconscious Objector
While I was stuck in a tech meeting at work for 8 hours, my girlfriend went and bought an Iolite (and butane), and an iPod Nano (and iTunes gift cards). I just hope that she doesn't want to hand me my balls on a platter after trying it. I think the tipping point for her was last night she was jonesing for some herb so bad she went ahead and rolled one with tobacco and darn near coughed up a lung.

I did tell her that she has to draw slowly and steadily and not overpack the chamber. And that she can keep hitting it until it tastes like burnt popcorn (I think thats a perfact description). I also tried to stress that it is not burning the material and you can sometimes hit it repeatedly until you feel/taste that there is nothing left.

But I've never vaped tobacco in it. Any suggestions?

thanks all.


(and yeah I was pushing a Launchbox on her even though I don't have one).


Combustion free since '09
It's not an oil used in the Iolite.... It's the nicotine liquid from the e-cigs I mentioned above. Usually they are made with food safe ingredients such as PG, Veg. Glycerin, flavorings and of course nicotine as desired. The liquid can be dabbed on some organic cotton and used in the Iolite chamber. Alternatively they are using molasses which is the hookah tobaccos in Iolites as well as pipe-type tobaccos.

Frog is our resident Iolite for nicotine purposes expert. His videos are very helpful also and very well known amongst the esmokers:

Also might be helpful to read some info from e-cig users on the use of the Iolite on an e-cig type forum:

The e-cig stuff changed my life, then along came FC....changed my life again!! I hope to see more folks convert to vaporizing over combustion!!! It is the way to go!


Unconscious Objector
Well, my girlfriend used the Iolite three times so far. She managed to vape twice off a fairly small first bowl and had a nice effect (oddly enough she said it was rather like Salvia, which is something I will never voluntarily touch again). I'm trying to tell her about vaping at different temperatures for different effects and she seems committed to using it.

thanks for the advice people have been giving me. It helps a lot. @lo; my girlfriend has enjoyed reading your posts.



Well-Known Member
In all honesty I can tell you you will not regret buying a launch box. The learning curve is small if any. I tend to think that most people think they get close to combustion on their first couple vapes because the box needs to break in. I would recommend letting the box run for 30 seconds or so once or twice with the door open when you first get it. I dont know for sure but I know thats how it seemed things were with mine. Oh and you with a coupon code the price goes back to the original price.
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