Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Actual footage from my doctors look up my nose!


I don't even know who the fuck that guy is up there but I assume he has alot to do with the voices in my head!


Well-Known Member
Actual footage from my doctors look up my nose!


I don't even know who the fuck that guy is up there but I assume he has alot to do with the voices in my head!

that dude is Edward Snowden,
good thing there is enough room in there for the CIA to park their van. :tup:
I see there is also a water supply for his upcoming 'swimming in a chair 'lessons.

Funny how the US govt is promising Russia that they wont torture him if Russia give him back.
My how things change.

this is what happened last time I gave Tweek a reach around.


Turns out coming round for 'Blue Waffle' has nothing to do with dessert.
Go figure?? :huh:
He did that to you too? Those sneaky Canadians everyone thinks they're sooo laid back,then boom,semen everywhere. Now we know the origin of the term "The Great White North". When I was serving in Afganistan whenever we had a semen based assault we always called in the Canadian Special Forces, Yep it's all about the semen up there...doughnuts and semen. Semen glazed doughnuts even.
What's that,like five semen references? Seems about right,I can sleep now.
Here's to ya Dorkas! :cheers:


vapor accessory addict
:rolleyes: mvapes, you trying to get my attention here big guy? Double posting and everything? :lol:

no spanking for YOU! You'd like it too much and I'm not feeling generous. :D


Edit: LOVE Ozzy. Used to go see him all the time. I sent my son to Ozzfest when he was 15 and he never was quite the same afterwards. :lol: Told that story to one of my good friend's who's son is gay. He said, "well, I sent my son to Milli Vanilli. And you know how that turned out! :rofl:
Grey, cloudy morning here. Waiting to hear from the apartment management about looking at it today.

Oh, and I give you Heathen Metal:

Now that's what I'm talking about! Ya got good taste in music LadyE.
Hey umm...where are you folks getting those music vids and clips,and how do you post them here?
I'm not very tech. savvy,but you guys are finding amazing stuff!


Space is the Place
I'm awake . just sent a txt to someone (not an FCer although I told her to read the forum I didn't tell her I was on it ) searching for a 1/4 to get me through the rest of the week . The reply I just got back is :
"aaahhhh poor rude boy has nothing to vaporize . see you in a while ." guess she's been checking in on these pages .
Wakey wakey fuckers, MV wants to play.
I'd love to play bro,but hard tom explain just how stoned I am right now. Lebanese Blonde,the real deal to,haven't even heard about it for ten years, then a unicorn crapped a half oz right in my lap,thank you friendly unicorn! I'm not bullshitting man,I have not been this stoned in years....WHEEE...!!!..!!!

This is gonna be a slow moving stoned-out-of my-gourd kind of night. I love these rare nights.to few and far between at this age,but for right now.......WHHEEE..!!.......WHEEEE HORSEY,!!
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