Only in Canada, can a man ape roam the wilds in peace.
it depends.
for example- which fucking Tweek are you?
Are you imposter tweak? or the hairy samsquanch tweek we know & love.
For for a bit I couldnt tell who was who.
Sometimes she does, but its normally during the rough stuff.
So I kinda expect it.
This guys problem is obvious. God gives this guy massive balls & what does he do??
He sits around the house and plays with em?? no wonder they got fucking bigger!!
Its gods way of saying '' hey, I gave you massive balls! now get out there and show the world whose boss!''
But no, pussy nut man has to sit around and play the game '' peanut cluster''
When you have giant cajones, you gotta act like you got giant cajones!
Get out there & establish a drug cartel, do the marketing campaign for Obamacare,
get some guy outta Kenya & steal an election.
You know, big fucken balls type stuff.
Become all fucken gangstar and crush your enemies heads with your giant fucking nuts!
Put the fear of god into muthafuckers!
Then when you throw your noggin squished rivals back to the curb.
You can be all dark n shit and say cool things like.
'that mo-fo got a fuckin nut allergy fo sho!'
Motto of the story is, When God gives you giant nuts, are you gonna be the crackee or the cracker?