FC Alerts on tablet??


Well-Known Member
just got a Samsung Tab A and find it much less user friendly than my laptop. Going on 3 week trip soon with the tablet/ no laptop.

1. laptop with 25 alerts, I can right click and "open link in new tab" quickly on each alert. Open each tab, read, x discard, and next tab is right there to open.
Tablet has no right click/left click buttons (or does it?). I have to open each alert. read, close and it always goes back to top 5 alerts so remembering/finding your place in list of 25 alerts sucks.
--Is there a way open links in new tab on my tablet?

Laptop with keyboard is much easier as I'm used to it.


Little-Known Member
Depends on your browser (I use Chrome), but if you long-press a link you'll probably see a popup menu with an option to open in a new tab.

My preferred method though is to go to the full Alerts page and visit each one from there, in the same tab, and then go back from each until finished.


Old School Cheesy Quaver
You cannot compare a laptop and a mobile device they each have their own functionality 2 things you don't get on a mobile device : right Mouse click and hover event.

I also find to properly Use FC on my 7 inch tablet I have to have it in landscape mode as in portrait the icons and buttons are all over the place
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