Just returned from an intense first night with the vapcap and I'm blown away.
I'm a low dose toker and had three pea sized nugs at hand for the night. I don't own a torch lighter and also don't plan to buy one in the near future so my heating source of the night was a simple tea light. So I started my first approach.
I placed the first nug unground and as a whole in the chamber, it filled it only half way but I knew that one of these nugs is usually enough for me to get me where I want to.
I slowly rolled the vapcap a good 1o-15mm above the flame in the area where the letters "na" of the dynavap logo on the cap. After 1:20mins it clicked and I tried various pulling methods mentioned in this thread. Didn't produce any vapor but I could taste that something happens inside the chamber. After I heared the cooldown click I reheated and sucked in different variations until I reached the cooldown click of the fourth heatup. Was somewhat irritated because no pulling method worked perfect but I was expecting a little learning curve here.
While waiting for the cap to cool down to inspect the ABV I noticed the high slowly creeping up on me.

Lost myself in a Tool Song playing in the background for a while until I reminded myself what I wanted to do, inspecting ABV. The nug rolled out as whole after removing the cap and was a very even and dark chocolate brown, awesome.
After two hours I felt sober again and tried the second nug, this time I broke it up loosely before filling the chamber. Heating was the same and I already like the process a lot. 1:20 surely is a little wait but I prefer it to take this time instead of noisy 10-20 secs. This time I only used very slow 10sec draws with open carb and could produce some nice clouds the second and third heatup. The fourth heatup only produced very little vapor and I guess I will leave it out in the future.
I took the time during this session and from start to finish 10 minutes passed, nice. But I had a lot of debris in my mouth this time, choose to return to whole nugs with this bone dry stuff. ABV again very dark but no sign of combustion.
During the third nug I played with the carb a bit and tried the
@natural farmer method with nice results. Guess I need more testing to find my prefered method. ABV after the fourth heatup again very dark brown, not combusted. Love this consistency from a manual device already!
And the punch it delivers is outstanding, too! Awesome vape, thanks a lot George!
As much as I love the small size of the Vapcap I am really excited now what
@VapCap ideas for mouthpieces are in the future, because I would bet it will make it a little more comfortable to rotate Woody over the flame if it is a little bit longer. I got some stuff flying around here, maybe I could help myself with a little mod in the meantime.