Definitely looking forward to this--glad they left you room! : )Wow, yeah @Radwin Bodnic .. I've been working on the convection cap for DynaVap for several months now. This one is currently in its final phase. I imagine we'll both have different designs and materials. I hope there's enough space for two
Watch The Convection Cap 🧪👨🔬⚗️ | Streamable
Watch "The Convection Cap 🧪👨🔬⚗️" on
Dynavap VapCap
Do you have any tips on what accessories I should buy to experience Dynavap better? Hey man, great purchase. I am using Dynavap product for years now and the one accessory I suggest to you is an FMJ. By using the FMJ, a one-hit-extraction is easily possible. The one made of steel can be
Manual Vape Thread
What do you prefer about it? It could be my imagination, but I think the airflow is more open. The bowl has these wee slits/ crenellations at the top unlike the TT/terp (which rely on holes in the heater itself). I guess the 18mm/14mm aspect impacts on airflow as well. That said, they're
That's more like what I was hoping for. I don't have a Hyperdyn, but I've got a drawer full of standard DV tips.Wow, yeah @Radwin Bodnic .. I've been working on the convection cap for DynaVap for several months now. This one is currently in its final phase. I imagine we'll both have different designs and materials. I hope there's enough space for two
Watch The Convection Cap 🧪👨🔬⚗️ | Streamable
Watch "The Convection Cap 🧪👨🔬⚗️" on
Dynavap VapCap
Do you have any tips on what accessories I should buy to experience Dynavap better? Hey man, great purchase. I am using Dynavap product for years now and the one accessory I suggest to you is an FMJ. By using the FMJ, a one-hit-extraction is easily possible. The one made of steel can be
Manual Vape Thread
What do you prefer about it? It could be my imagination, but I think the airflow is more open. The bowl has these wee slits/ crenellations at the top unlike the TT/terp (which rely on holes in the heater itself). I guess the 18mm/14mm aspect impacts on airflow as well. That said, they're