Duff Butter Taste/Recipes


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm somewhat new to vaporizing and all the way new with making butter with your ABV. I've now made butter twice; the first time I used 14 grams of ABV with 1 cup (2 sticks) of butter in a slow cooker and made brownies with the finished butter. The brownies masked the smell/taste of the butter, which to me is quite unpleasant. The ride was nice, more of a sleepy high, but not bad. However, the brownie recipe I used made REALLY dense brownies that were difficult to eat, and within a week were really stale despite individually wrapping them.

So I just made butter for my second time last night, using 20 grams of ABV this time to the same 1 cup of butter to get an extra kick. This time I decided to make Cocoa Rice Krispy Treats with chocolate marshmallows instead of brownies so that I could eat them quickly without feeling like a rock was in my stomach. MY GOD ARE THEY NASTY. I can't even taste the chocolate and I was gagging while eating it. I even added chocolate frosting to further mask this flavor but to no avail.

Recipe: 16 oz of chocolate marshmallows
12 oz Cocoa Rice Krispies
1 cup of duff butter
2 teaspoons of vanilla

So my questions are: 1. Do any of you have any recipes that COMPLETELY gets rid of that taste? 2. Am I making the butter wrong way? 3. Is butter even the right way to go for my preferences? I really love vaping and part of that love is for being able to recycle the after product, but if I have to eat this stuff while holding my nose I'm going to wind up just tossing the duff out. These don't have to be dessert-type recipes, just something I can't use my butter for that doesn't taste like hell.



Revolting Peasant
Yeah, the taste really fucks me up ever since I tried to drink an abv alcohol tincture that had been steeping for too long and then reduced right down. It was horrific and permanently damaging. Really. Over this past Christmas I water cured a shit load of avb (~20-30oz?). I stuffed it into a pair of my girlfriends tights and took over two weeks doing the process. The taste has mostly gone, although I haven't tried to make butter with it yet.


Well-Known Member
I made a ton of ABV cookies that were great tasting out of the oven, but once they cooled down I could barely eat them without gagging.

I had also cooked the ABV butter wayyy too long.

What I found worked perfectly was making a smoothie/milkshake with the abv edibles. It completely masked the taste, no holding my nose or anything.

I simply put 1-2 cookies with some milk/water + banana + greek yogurt + maple syrup/honey (i prefer smoothies)


Wych Doctor
I've made butter a few times now and have had great success cooking with it. (crockpot + abv/trim or mix + butter + water. 6hr low cook. Potato ricer to strain.)

An easy one that can almost guarantee good results is to get a chocolate cake mix - I think you guys get Betty Crocker Cake Mixes too? Just make sure it uses butter in the 'Extra Ingredients Needed' section and replace with cannabutter - though I have used ones that said oil and substituted with butter with success. Then add some extra chocolate chunks and dried fruit and nuts and bake as per instructions. The ones I made tasted so good my lady kept eating them even when she didn't want to get high because, in her own words "I can't help myself, they just taste too nice!" NOTE: If the recipe calls for a high temp. Just use a lower temp for a longer period.

Other than that, if your making brownies/cake from scratch I find any recipe will work. The cannabutter acts just like regular butter in cooking so you can just use your favourite recipe. I find that chocolate cakes made with a high amount of cocoa disguise the taste well. Also, peanuts are a good masker of ABV flavour.

If you want quite a cheffy brownie recipe I have a good one. It takes a bit of elbow grease, but produces delicious chewy, chocolatey brownies that will impress. Otherwise just look one up on the internet you like the look of and have a bash.


Lost in Thought
Im actually trying a watercure as other members have posted success in watercuring their ABV. (I have watercured schwag in the past and that killed its nasty taste) :)

My concern is the skunktastic smell that permeates the house and wakes up the family.

That said, if your butter is nasty as all get out and you havent done a watercure beforehand, what I always do to my brownies are throw in Andes' Creme de Menthe chips. My last batch I poured in a whole bag of these jokers (too much - I mean burn your eyes like getting OC'ed too much)
But boy did it kill that 'weedy/skunky' taste :brow:

Give it a shot and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Would perhaps using less butter for the same amount of duff produce an even result? Would like 20 grams of AVB into just 1 stick of butter produce butter twice as potent as 20 grams into 2 sticks of butter? My gut says no because that would solve all my problems.

I have to check out watercuring, mostly because I have no idea what that is. Any tips for the amount of time you cook your AVB for?

By the way, those nasty little treats ROCKED me. I honestly didn't know I could get that high from bud.


Well-Known Member
Alright I've been reading about the watercuring process. Is this going to work on AVB? I can't really find too many forums that discuss the taste of AVB butter at all, let alone curing the AVB. You have to know the taste/smell I'm talking about. I think the butter actually makes the taste worse, almost like putting perfume on a turd.

But if someone here tells me that watercuring my AVB for a week is not going to be a waste/hassle and is actually going to remove that awful taste, I'm so there.

Oh, and do those lollipops get you sufficiently wasted? My gross tasting treats almost made me feel like I was shroomin', so just a smidge under that level is what i'm aiming for.


Lost in Thought
Yes, ABV stinks to high heaven when you cook it - trust me, I found out the hard way. And yes, it does taste kinda 'Earthy' and 'different' (okay, sorta bad) Hence why I use the creme de menthe chips in my brownies (they tend to help mask/complient the taste)

I have done the watercure with schwag and had good results, and I know of a few regulars who do the ABV watercure for all of their recipes. I am in the process of an ABV watercure as well. 28g that I plan to cook down into 1.5 sticks of butter.

Then into my brownies :brow:


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the input. I can't wait to try the watercuring method, but unfortunately that is gonna be a few weeks. Would a coffee press work for that?

Also, would using oil instead if butter help at all?


Well-Known Member
I find chocolate is the best method to masking the taste of the butter. As you noted, the taste was non-existent in your brownies. Keep your brownies in the freezer, to keep them from going stale. Also, try out different box mixes or try a made from scratch recipe, to find a brownie that isn't too dense. Make them with regular butter/oil till you find one you like.

You could also look into cookie recipes. I had good success with made from scratch cookies using the recipe on the back of some Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chips.

I believe Herbgirl watercured her ABV and found the taste to be a little milder but overall not worth the effort. YMMV.

If you really hate the taste, you could look into Badkitty's gelcaps. You'd make QWISO out of your ABV. Then put the QWISO you into 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. That will make 15-20 caps.
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