Do you suffer from BehindDaWheelicus Transformicas? (A-Hole Driving Syndrome)


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Hey FC,

It's Friday! Glad as all **** that the week's over! Time for another thread from the outer reaches of my odd view of reality.

I must ask this because...

First off I used to suffer from this big time. Getting behind the wheel of a car and all common courtesy, politeness and the like was abandoned. Got transformed into someone for whom everyone was always slowing me down, in the way, etc... and probably did my fair share of being an obstacle as well.

Secondly, because of an experience two days ago.

Was driving and must have been in this guy's way. I got the horn, finger, and some mouthed words that I didn't catch... :o Well, the guy rips by me and not following him, I ended up in the same parking lot as he... and had to go to the same store!!!

I was a good 50 paces behind him and noticed he'd stopped to hold the door for an elderly woman with a walker, so I caught up to him before he entered. He turned and looked at me...

Then proceeded to hold the door open for me. I said thanks. He said "No problem, have a nice day sir".

I walked through the door... :suspicious:, then I was :uhh:.... finally :shrug:.

While I'm sure there's a name for it, I will affectionately call it "BehindDaWheelicus Transformicas".

So tell me, do you suffer from this? Have you seen this transformation occur in person, not just viewing a rude driver, but someone transform from nice to rude or the other way around.

It's Friday, why not share your tales... :clap:




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