Quick question for
@Ratchett, how resilient are these? It fits my W9 KISS cart like a glove which is not too surprising given that the tip is almost the same size and shape as the Crafty mouthpiece and I notice no more stretching of the material than with a Crafty hooked up.
I also shoved a Solo stem in there. While it fits, the SonG stretches a bit as the glass is similar diameter to the Crafty mouthpiece but round instead of an oval. Will this ruin the SonG over time either by tearing it or permanently stretching it so it no longer fits on a Crafty?
That would be sweet if this could do double duty as a Solo adapter (well triple duty I suppose given how well it fits a KISS cart!). If there is little no risk of damage I might head down to my LHS and see about picking up an Air stem. It's pretty awkward to hold on the straight stem and the bent is better but still not great. I bet one of those short stems would be quite usable.
I'm glad you're liking my silicone adapters!
These adapters are extremely pliable, and I have found them to work great for many different vaporizers. You discovered a secret that other's have mentioned - my Crafty SonG adapters work for the Arizer Solo and Air without any problem!
Aside from rambunctious puppies (
), these adapters are extremely resilient. They can stretch to fit a variety of shapes and sizes. As far as I've found, they will bounce back into their original shape even if deformed for extended periods of time
In other news, Happy 420 all! Your orders have kept me EXTREMELY busy, I've been running to keep up as fast as my poor printer can print (and I'm still casting plenty of silicone every day to keep up with the demand).
In fact the silicone adapters are such a success, I hired a Chemist to work with me on revising my silicone casting processes to increase finished product quality, reduce waste, and decrease curing times. We're looking into a variety of food & medical grade silicone products to find something even better than what I'm currently using. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated once we've made progress. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to PM me, we're exploring every option right now
The Haze Can Cases are coming soon, waiting for feedback from early adopters before I publish them on my store.