To say I'm looking for "more stoned" isn't exactly an accurate representation of my feelings, as I've seen others say they are a bit turned off from vaping as they feel like the high is missing something. I'm perfectly happy with the high I'm getting, but if I can ever get more out of my bud I'm down for that
I'm actually more interested in potentially extracting all the actives from a load quicker through higher temperatures.
The combustion point of bud is a limiting factor in how high we can go with temps, so therefore is also a limiting factor in how quick we can get the actives to boil off.
When you are percfectly happy with your high, i wouldn´t risk combustion. I still need around 5 seconds to vape my bowl, even at 300 ° celsius.
You need to switch up the temp a bit, to get all all active substances.
I found a list in the net, Some sedatives ( calming ) and euphorants
start to rise at 230 ° celsius.
But no euphorants or sedatives in the list were over 230° ( cbd or cbn like substances ? ) I think 230°celsius should be enough, i use 250° celsius with my heat gun, and got no combustion, at least no visable.
I red, that someone said:
"I strongly believe that it is the lower temperature cannabinoids that frequently made me hallucinate when I smoked. I do look forward to an interesting set of experiments."
I red that cbn decreases the hallucinogenic part of thc, and can decrease the risk of getting some psycholgical problems.
Thats, why some want and need strains with cbd and cbn.
If they use it on 200° celsius could be much less stoned or calm, may be not good for guys, who want to use it for medication.
But with 230 ° this substances should rise, i guezz.
I think the point, when it combusts, depends on the vaping method
and the vape.
Possible is, that with a heat gun you can vape at 250 ° without visable combustion/burnings and with some vapes you would get combustion at 250 ° celsius. Even if i switch higher, i don´t see any combustion in the vapour or on the weed.
May be the oxygen is decreased or blown into the bong, by the heat gun. May be it´s a bit of vaccum in the bowl or a decreased oxygen content. I thought millions use this guns on 250° celsius, without any burnings or visable combustions.