'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I was drawn to FC as the best (IMO) source of information on everything vapor-related, yet have difficulty often accessing information even if I'm certain that I had accessed it previously. Additionally, I have this difficulty yet consider myself to be fairly articulate and literate when it comes to the colloquial/symantec/grammatical intricacies of the English language. Could you imagine the impact this has on those who do NOT speak English as their first language and are trying to find/access information on this site--many who could offer unique perspectives due to legal/cultural/technological/etc. (regional) differences .
The following dialogue from the VHW thread is what inspired me to begin this thread (hope you two don't mind me picking yours out of the many examples):
I have begun by describing some of my experience with confusing threads and will end by offering a suggestion for how we can all help. In particular, I think that people can toke the time (not a typo...I like that word ) to create a short/clear title for their thread (or, at least, welcome revisions by the the mods) and toke ( ) the time to create a detailed/clear first post with their 'intentions of creating the thread' and 'requests for particular replies from others'.
Also, please try to make sure you read through the available threads before beginning a new one (this should get easier with time and effort ).
I look foreword to what many of the intelligent and dedicated fuckers (an endearing term for 'combustion fuckers') have to say.
Thank you for toking ( ) the time to read this first post and, in advance, for trying to keep this thread 'on topic' and 'progressing'
As always, toke it easy!
The following dialogue from the VHW thread is what inspired me to begin this thread (hope you two don't mind me picking yours out of the many examples):
The title of THIS THREAD should clearly explain what I am hoping to receive as responses (I expect people to contribute personal experiences with confusing threads and ways we can ALL help).Clear Dome replied: Totaly Agree please for the one who recieve there vhw please start a new thread cause I have hard time to follow this thread.youdontknowme wrote:
can people who are getting new VHW's put their reviews in new threads? thanks.
I have begun by describing some of my experience with confusing threads and will end by offering a suggestion for how we can all help. In particular, I think that people can toke the time (not a typo...I like that word ) to create a short/clear title for their thread (or, at least, welcome revisions by the the mods) and toke ( ) the time to create a detailed/clear first post with their 'intentions of creating the thread' and 'requests for particular replies from others'.
Also, please try to make sure you read through the available threads before beginning a new one (this should get easier with time and effort ).
I look foreword to what many of the intelligent and dedicated fuckers (an endearing term for 'combustion fuckers') have to say.
Thank you for toking ( ) the time to read this first post and, in advance, for trying to keep this thread 'on topic' and 'progressing'
As always, toke it easy!