I have this old whip vape that has always started a flame in my bowl if I put the temp any higher than 340 F. Even at 310 F it was starting to burn. Mind you all, this is my first and only vape (so far); I've just had it for a few years. So as I look through the vape forums finally, I see everyone is vaping at 360 F to 390 F. I couldn't imagine turning this one up that high; would catch fire almost immediately. I also don't know what could be going on. (BTW, it's not the comp it's sitting on. It's usually not sitting on the comp)
Could it be that the weed I get here in the desert is bone dry and ready to burn? Nah, not even paper burns until 451, the only thing I remember from that book.
Could my vape just be horribly wrong on it's temp gauge? Do I just have to go with the feel of the hit and ignore the numbers completely?
Am I packing the bowl too densely? Do I maintain a layer on the screen or let it fall on it's side when I place the bowl on the vape? I started making sure it stayed packed because none of the weed would vape before.
Do I just have a weird/shitty vape? Lemme know what you guys think.