Omniscient...I personally have found the heating process a bit difficult. I tend to go straight from warm up to combustion, but I do seem to be the only one. I'm going to give it a true test next week. Then I'll make my decision if I like it or I'll sell it.
If the herb browning consistancy is what you're worried about, then maybe the VG will cause a bit of a problem. From what I've read...even experianced users combust from time to time. I want an even cook like the PD everytime. Demanding I know, but he PD has opened my eyes to the standard of vape/brownwed material I'm looking for. Don't take one bad review though. I seem to be the lone exception to the clan of happy VG owners. Some of the core here swear by it. I guess if you have the patience and get the process that is being explained, then the VG is right for you. I'm still a noobie to the whole process, so my inexperiance may be shinning through in my woes.
Also, I think the volcano is awesome, and I'd love to have one (I don't share well. Only child and all

). I actually ment that I think the cano is very expensive. but to someone like yourself...they couldn't see buying any other vape. Hense...price is relative. If VG put a temp gauge on their product I'd pay double what I paid. It's relative to me because I'd save in the long run by not combusting my bud, and it would be a realible/safe way to ingest MJ portablly. Well worth a hefty price tag to myself because it is what I am looking for right now.
Good luck in finding your needle in a haystack,