Best micro vap set up?


New Member
Hey yall, I’m in the market for a micro vap set up. I have convector Ti and wanted to put in on a micro stem with an intercooler. I know there’s options on simrell but was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar and if so what are your opinions?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Honestly, the Red-Eye Amazed Mini is a phenomenal micro stem for dynavap sized tips, with some extra orings for snugness. There is some draw restriction due to the size, but works great.

I really like Red-Eye products for vape stems and stuff, because:

  • safe materials (stainless steel/titanium)
  • reasonably priced
  • high quality machining
  • A compact cooling maze system wrapped around a chunk of metal that I've never been able to overpower
So when they released the mini, I immediately suspected it would be the perfect size for a dynavap tip. I bought the titanium one on 420 sales (with a bunch of other stuff), and OH EM GEE

Even though this is titanium and tiny, I find that it only starts to get warm towards the middle after two back to back heat cycles. The vapor remains cool, and you can still handle it easily. I'm sure the stainless steel version wouldn't get hot ever. [For some reference, I found the Revolve stem to get too hot to hold after a single cycle, and didn't think it cooled very well.]

The airpath is narrower than the full size amazed, which is expected to maintain the length, but it's not too restrictive. Perfect for getting good rips from my Ti Dynavap tip.

You'll need to pop 2 more dynvap tip size orings on, then "screw" the tip into the Amazed Mini. Kinda like how I did with the Dani Tip and the larger amazed. Once you do, it's snug and feels made for each other.

Red-Eye didn't pay me for this review, and I don't think they advertise ever at all, which is dumb. You can buy them here, and I encourage you to do so.

Oh and I've been waiting so long to do this....


I've designed some prototype mini pipe/stems for the 8mm and 9mm style tips recently, but am waiting on some tools to make it cleaner and repeatable. So stay tuned on that too, I guess. :p
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