Best Cobra Coil


Well-Known Member
Looking into either Disorderly Conduct or the Discounted enail version. A gap of like 40 dollars in cost. Anyone have experience with both before I spend the money. Want to make sure I’m making the better decision here.

They look nearly the same but is there a quality difference with these cobra coils? I figured they are coming from probably the same source perhaps?


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I have never tried the Disorderly Conduct or the Discounted enail version personally but a friend of mine has Disorderly Conduct and he really likes it. According to him it’s built well and performs great.

As for the cobra coils, I don‘t know whether they came from the same place as the above items but they could be. Or better yet, verify some feedback or you may ask the folks around about each coil that you are planning to purchase.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the note back. Appreciate the feedback. Might bite the bullet on the cheaper one. Seems functionally the same
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