Ball Vape Purchase Decision?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, long time vaper here looking to finally make the leap to ball vapes. I go through periods of combustion, but for the most part have been using a combination of traditional portable and desktop vapes to get my fix. Currently TM2 and HR Rogue are meeting my reach test, but have enjoyed Plenty, Herbalizer (throwback), and Tafee Bowle to great effect too.

I am hitting analysis paralysis here with the wide variety of options, wired/wireless, diffuser/injector, materials, etc and would love to get some thoughts.

- Safety, I am not coordinated when baked and burning myself/nearby objects is one of my concerns of a ball vape
- Ease of use, the less adjustments/stirring needed, the better
- Prefer clouds and vapor strength over flavor
- Prefer more sleepy/stoney effects (not sure if this would be convection or hybrid, leaning towards hybrid)
- Planning to use with almost exclusively flower
- Personal use, not expecting to share with friends (have enough portables)
- Willing to pay up to ~$600 or so

As a result of the first two, I have been looking at wireless options like CH ZenLeaf Moab + Mercury & Terp Hammer/Dab Ready, along with cheaper options like Zeal/Omega. Also, have not ruled out wired options like Taroma 360 and Screwball, but think wireless may fit my use case better.

Sidenote: I have looked through the ball vape megathread but still cannot decide :( Appreciate the help!

Grass Yes

Staff member
I have a lot of ball vapes and I have my preferences. I will say that I don't touch the wired ones anymore. I have some that I like a lot, none that make it worth giving up cordless.

I have 3 wireless ball vapes right now and one on the way! 😄


Well-Known Member
- Prefer more sleepy/stoney effects (not sure if this would be convection or hybrid, leaning towards hybrid)

Yes, you want to add some conduction to get more of those effects. So you are looking for a hybrid. With ball vapes you can get a metal bowl (SS or Ti ideally). Put the head on the bowl and let it soak the metal for a couple of minutes so the metal bowl heats up and adds a conduction effect.

Also, some people say that lower bowls also add conduction effect but I have no experience with this one myself.

I use glass bowls precisely to avoid the conduction effect that you seek.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Also, some people say that lower bowls also add conduction effect but I have no experience with this one myself.
Do you mean that bowls that are deeper would do this? I haven't heard this one before.

I've never seen any meaningful conduction from heat soaking a metal bowl, but I definitely have seen it running a coil on one. Although that requires a second pid controller.
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
Do you mean that bowls that are deeper would do this? I haven't heard this one before.

I've never seen any meaningful conduction from heat soaking a metal bowl, but I definitely have seen it running a coil on one. Although that requires a second pid controller.
@invertedisdead mention it in the announcement of the new zirconia cordless ball vape, but as I said I've not tried it.

Grass Yes

Staff member
@invertedisdead mention it in the announcement of the new zirconia cordless ball vape, but as I said I've not tried it.
Interesting. I could see moving the load closer to the vape could increase radiant heat, although I am curious to hear more about adding conduction.
Grass Yes,
- Safety, I am not coordinated when baked and burning myself/nearby objects is one of my concerns of a ball vape
From my experience, the stand is the best at preventing this. Something like a Cannabis Hardware Hangar stand is what I'd recommend. I've had a ceramic cup before that would cause the heater to fall and burn me. This one has more heft and weight to it and prevents that.

- Ease of use, the less adjustments/stirring needed, the better
A shovel head bowl / diffuser head will help with this. In an injector bowl, you'll want to stir to clear the bowl. With a shovel head bowl or similar, it can clear the bowl without stirring and allows for 1 hit bowl clears. I prefer 3-5 hits so lower my temperature with it.

- Personal use, not expecting to share with friends (have enough portables)
- Prefer clouds and vapor strength over flavor

As a result of the first two, I have been looking at wireless options like CH ZenLeaf Moab + Mercury & Terp Hammer/Dab Ready, along with cheaper options like Zeal/Omega. Also, have not ruled out wired options like Taroma 360 and Screwball, but think wireless may fit my use case better.
In this case, I think a wired ball vape will better suit you. Wireless is great if you will see yourself constantly moving away from where the heating element is. The drawback is that it will cool down when you take hits. With a wired ball vape, it will stay at that temperature and allow you to get consistently large clouds whereas with a wireless, you'll want to reheat it.

The ball vapes I'd recommend are the Taroma 360, Screwball, Flowerpot B1/B2, or CC Zeal with the Taroma 360 being what I would get if I were to buy one today.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
In this case, I think a wired ball vape will better suit you. Wireless is great if you will see yourself constantly moving away from where the heating element is. The drawback is that it will cool down when you take hits. With a wired ball vape, it will stay at that temperature and allow you to get consistently large clouds whereas with a wireless, you'll want to reheat it.
In my experience this is not a practical concern with a good wireless vapes. The amount of time to reheat is less than the time it takes to load a bowl. In my experience you can get a bowl and a half off each heating.

I typically sit in the same spot when I vape but the convenience of the wireless vape is well worth it.
Grass Yes,
In my experience this is not a practical concern with a good wireless vapes. The amount of time to reheat is less than the time it takes to load a bowl. In my experience you can get a bowl and a half off each heating.

I typically sit in the same spot when I vape but the convenience of the wireless vape is well worth it.

Just having to re-heat in general though if you're gonna be sitting at the same area does not make wireless sound worth it to me. If I'm next to it always, wired is not only cheaper but will maintain temperature at all times.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Just having to re-heat in general though if you're gonna be sitting at the same area does not make wireless sound worth it to me. If I'm next to it always, wired is not only cheaper but will maintain temperature at all times.
This is a thing people often say before using a wireless ball vape. I also thought it would be a novelty. For me it shelved all the wired ones.
Grass Yes,
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