Ask abt Black leaf cigar x1 vaporizer


New Member
Anyone try blackleaf cigar x1?
Cigar x1 and Potv one are available at where i live. And both are fit my budget.
I read alot bt Potv One but nothing abt cigar x1.
Pls give ur comparision.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Are you based in EU ?
The Cigar is Conduction /Potv one is hybrid also = Weecke Fenix = Healthy Rips Fury = Sutra = Grindhouse shift .
I belive the Fenix/Smono/Potv one is a better choice.
If you dont want to blow a lot of cash you can get a refurbished one for about 40 euro
Abysmal Vapor,
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