First of all let me start out by saying that I appreciate the comments on the design. We, at Organicix, think that having a vape that fits your specific style is important as well as providing a pure air track and functionality.
Let me elaborate on the features of the Ascent Vaporizer.
Glass on glass- the bowl is glass lined, and the glass straw (not pictured) runs directly from the glass bowl through the unit. I'll get some pictures of this feature up soon.
Dual mouthpiece-The dual mouthpiece allows for 2 options. Option 1: the user can utilize a retractable glass straw, making sharing and cleaning easy. Option 2: offers a more personal discreet experience by allowing the glass straw to remain inside the unit, still offering an all glass vapor path,by vaping directly through the mouth opening.
4 hour battery life- this unit contains 2 rechargeable REMOVABLE lithium ion batteries.
The Ascent has the ability to vaporize both herbs and oils, features digital temperature control and a cool new OLED display.
I'll start to put up some additional pictures and video of how the Ascent works so all will have a better understanding, but know that we are all very excited to launch this product this year.