AirVape Legacy Pro


Well-Known Member
we recommend using the same type battery to keep warranty
why is that? the unit will only draw the amps and volts it needs? what danger or warranty breaking effects of using a molicel p28a extra cdr of amps because it seems to do better in my og avlp, more cycles. in fact, been using them for over 2 years on og model, no problems. i want to understand why it would be damaging.
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cantre member
I've been cycling the molicel p28a with the stock batts in 3 different alps for up to a year with no issues, wouldn't trust a lesser battery. they seem pretty equal to me performance wise.
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im so upset i missed the 4/20 deal on this vape. they do have $100 off on the unit rn, but i want the capsules, case, and loading tool as well. comes to 377 CAD after shipping and tax. i can think of at least 4 other competing vapes at this price point. Arizer Solo 3 and Angus Enhanced [even with rubies and glass capules] come out cheaper for me. a bundle would really sell me on this over the rest.
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Well-Known Member
im so upset i missed the 4/20 deal on this vape. they do have $100 off on the unit rn, but i want the capsules, case, and loading tool as well. comes to 377 CAD after shipping and tax. i can think of at least 4 other competing vapes at this price point. Arizer Solo 3 and Angus Enhanced [even with rubies and glass capules] come out cheaper for me. a bundle would really sell me on this over the rest.
I felt bad too until I decided that I could never square picking up the AVLP 2.0 (when released) so soon after scoring another like the one I have, even at a discount. These devices are built to last.
I felt bad too until I decided that I could never square picking up the AVLP 2.0 (when released) so soon after scoring another like the one I have, even at a discount. These devices are built to last.
right. it seems reasonable for that upgrade. just the extras are very expensive, and i dont even know if they will compatible or needed in the 2.0. im finding out more issues i wasnt aware of in the AVLP. a lot of people are saying if youre using dosing capsules, to take apart the micro doser, and not use the rubber gaskets and screen, by the chamber...and toss em aside basically.
wasnt really planning on having to take apart my vape to get the air-flow and vapor production i expected.
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right. it seems reasonable for that upgrade. just the extras are very expensive, and i dont even know if they will compatible or needed in the 2.0. im finding out more issues i wasnt aware of in the AVLP. a lot of people are saying if youre using dosing capsules, to take apart the micro doser, and not use the rubber gaskets and screen, by the chamber...and toss em aside basically.
wasnt really planning on having to take apart my vape to get the air-flow and vapor production i expected.
Bro this takes 10 seconds lol. You are over thinking it.
Bro this takes 10 seconds lol. You are over thinking it.
i tend to do that these days. ive vaped out a tinymight 2 so long [OG mighty before that], my expectations from a vaporizer has gotten ridiculous. not sure if you got the dosing capsules, bag, and loading tool in a bundle...but its very expensive to add in the cart on its own. im also primarily getting this so i can upgrade to V2 for 50% off, and no idea if that capsules or tool and case would fit...or be needed. kinda repeating myself
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i tend to do that these days. ive vaped out a tinymight 2 so long [OG mighty before that], my expectations from a vaporizer has gotten ridiculous. not sure if you got the dosing capsules, bag, and loading tool in a bundle...but its very expensive to add in the cart on its own. im also primarily getting this so i can upgrade to V2 for 50% off, and no idea if that capsules or tool and case would fit...or be needed. kinda repeating myself
My opinion the capsules are worth it, to me they’re a necessity. If I used the ALP without caps, I would consider the loading tool as a necessity, but there’s little need for it when using the caps.
My opinion the capsules are worth it, to me they’re a necessity. If I used the ALP without caps, I would consider the loading tool as a necessity, but there’s little need for it when using the caps.
yeah. i bought the one storz & bickel makes and never even opened it out of the packaging. that one is just to put the lid on dosing capsules...which i never had a problem with.
this tool though actually loads it inside the dosing cap...which actually makes sense.
also does it not really help you out with cleaning in the tough to reach spots? i tend to still get my units dirty even with caps, just by usage.


cantre member
the loading tool has a long thin dental brush in the handle that makes cleaning the hidden corners of the airpath easy, also perfect for loading bowls in the FF2+, or any other vape/pipe with a +/-16mm bowl! Really makes loading caps a breeze and the gold caps shed avb better then stainless, and tastes better too. I sound like a broken record but I have both flavors and a back-up cause I love'em. any downsides are minor
the loading tool has a long thin dental brush in the handle that makes cleaning the hidden corners of the airpath easy, also perfect for loading bowls in the FF2+, or any other vape/pipe with a +/-16mm bowl! Really makes loading caps a breeze and the gold caps shed avb better then stainless, and tastes better too. I sound like a broken record but I have both flavors and a back-up cause I love'em. any downsides are minor
thing is though, dosing capsules take i mean 5 seconds to load with a scoop and tamp out of the grinder...
plus planning to upgrade to the newest model when it gets released right away with the 50% off trade in.
its sounding like using the loading tool/no caps is the best experience, and would bring the total down reasonably.
with no caps, id put a mighty screen ontop of the bowl afterwards...which was told holds it in place.

its a tough call....6 is basically a nothing burger of capsules. i used to go through 80 in a 1 week n half on my OG mighty.
I do recommend a screen on the loose herb bowl, keep things less messy!
ditch the dosing caps all together then? im literally using this just in my apartment, and maybe on the balcony. it sounds like im being really cheap maybe, but i forget to mention im canadian paying USD too. which is why i was bringing up the arizer solo 3 priced the same.
i see you sold your tm2 btw in the tags. thats been my daily driver over a year. can i ask why you werent happy with yours?
for me its not an end game portable like it was hyped up to be...but not that far off. my mighty though id really to get rid of on the other hand.


cantre member
My tm2 died after 3 months heavy daily use so I sold the warranty replacement to wait for the purple heart improvements; turns out I didn't miss it that much, but I will replace it eventually, the airvape capsules work perfectly in the tm2 by the way. .
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Well-Known Member
right. it seems reasonable for that upgrade. just the extras are very expensive, and i dont even know if they will compatible or needed in the 2.0. im finding out more issues i wasnt aware of in the AVLP. a lot of people are saying if youre using dosing capsules, to take apart the micro doser, and not use the rubber gaskets and screen, by the chamber...and toss em aside basically.
wasnt really planning on having to take apart my vape to get the air-flow and vapor production i expected.
Oh I've been on this thread thru all of that lol. I can vouch for the tips you mention, all of which together hardly rise to the level of "having to take apart" the vape. Having also survived both acts of the Capsule Saga, I choose to believe that the company will opt to avoid alienating a potentially (fiercely) loyal customer following with yet another capsule size or design.

Personally, I wouldn't/won't use the AVLP without capsules. This device travels with me and I concluded long ago that capsules are key to minimizing mess and maximizing the portability/ease of use.
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Krapf Kleusa

New Member
Hey guys! Decided to post for my first time to tell my experience and adaptations I had to improvise on my ALP.

I have been reading this thread for a good while now, even before buying the vape, so when the vape became available in Brazil I bought it, really liked it and did everything right to the instruction. Problem is, I am quite a heavy smoker, bougth other 3 batteries to keep up with it. The report I am giving here is based on a ton of times I serviced the vape, so I can say I have acquire some experience with the thing.

So, I had the very same problems related here about clogging the smoke passage while trying to clean it: using coton buds, wiper towels, nail tools (yes), toothpics, with all of those I have clogged the thing at least twice with each. So the best solution? I used those bread wires (believe me) that are basicaly a thin metal wire with a rubber cover, so you push it inside and the wire kind of takes the shape of the passage until I breaches a hole. From there, put some alcohol in and try to pick what dirt loose you can. Dont be afraid of damaging anything inside, I literally am using for a while now a nail tool (basically the diameter of a P2 male plug, maybe thiner), with a coton cloth wraped on it to insert and twist wherever hole available: so far the best and most efficient way.

Now, about the smoke screen: Photo (The same as my profile picture).
Note that the vape looks like it has been through a lot, (because it has) but it has been flawless regarging the heating mecanism. The thing is, the "herbs" here where I live can be quite shitty sometimes, and all of it (90%) are commercialized as pressed brics. The offer has ups and downs, a lot of times there is really good weed, even the pressed ones. However, even after you grind It, you need high temperature and long time to extract everything fully. I have tryied on lower temperatures, gives a better taste but doesnt kill my hunger (guess the problems is me?), so I use on 210~220ºC all the time, for 10 minutes seshs TWICE.

For abusing on the temperature, I have damaged the smoke screen, replaced, until the rubber support of the screen was damaged. Those things could not handle the various cleanings and sucessive high temperatures cycles. The main bigger rubber that goes on the lid doesnt handle it good as well, It starts to bend, doesnt stays in place, and starts to be sucked towards the smoke chanel, blocking it.

So my solution? (finally about the Photo) I removed everything from the inside of it, putting a bong screen (or pipe sceen) over the herbs, keeping everything outside the hole clean. I just had to push the screen in the middle with a pen until itbecame a little pointy, so to acomodate the screw of the vape lid over the screen. The smoke seems to flow more freely, to the point I am using lower temperatures now. The cleaning services are less frequent and less messy (But, Yes, I have to clean the smoke channel everytime I service it, as I was doing It even when the vape was new anyway?). The only downside is that the lid of the vape feels not so well closed, but for me that is not a problem, seeing that my lid is already quite loose of so much opening and closing.

Before anyone says: why didnt you buy some spare parts and do it the proper way? I did it, and still had the very same problems. Until the parts became unavailable in the Airvape Southamerica Website and I had to improvise It, discovering I had made it better.

There is any other heavy smoker with similar relates of ALP abuse?

Thanks! Sorry for my not so good english, not my main language.


cantre member
so much easier to give it a quick Iso wipe without the disc & vapor screen in place. I use caps so herb bits in the vape path are a nonissue. my 1st one is kinda beat up but still going strong, near daily use for a year, and lot's of neglect between deep cleans.
p.s. don't let the screen get under the ridges on the lid gasket, it can leak air and not extract as well.

Krapf Kleusa

New Member
so much easier to give it a quick Iso wipe without the disc & vapor screen in place. I use caps so herb bits in the vape path are a nonissue. my 1st one is kinda beat up but still going strong, near daily use for a year, and lot's of neglect between deep cleans.
p.s. don't let the screen get under the ridges on the lid gasket, it can leak air and not extract as well.
Good one! It was under the ridges of the gasket. Just now I cut 1 or 2mm of the pipe screen and it actually fits better, flowing better and closing the lid properly. Thanks for the tip!
Krapf Kleusa,
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im so upset i missed the 4/20 deal on this vape. they do have $100 off on the unit rn, but i want the capsules, case, and loading tool as well. comes to 377 CAD after shipping and tax. i can think of at least 4 other competing vapes at this price point. Arizer Solo 3 and Angus Enhanced [even with rubies and glass capules] come out cheaper for me. a bundle would really sell me on this over the rest.
7/4 sales live right now:



New Member
Just recently got me a second hand AVLP from a fellow forum member and I think this might be my new favorite portable along with the mighty so far. Picked up an X and the small bundle from the sales going on and looking forward to putting everything to use.
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