AirVape Legacy Pro


Well-Known Member
One more pic showing how the capsules really look, compared to what you see on the website. The ones I received are indented so they will fit with the dosing screen attached.

:hmm: Disappointing the "case" is just card stock. That isn't going to hold up. I would have paid a little more for a real carrying case.
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Well-Known Member
So I've vaped probably about 4-5 capsules worth since picking them up this morning and I've gotta say, yes I am satisfied so far as it really has kept the mess under control within the vape.

FYI I'd give them a cleaning before using them. I was so excited earlier that I just popped one in with my flower straight out of the package and it emitted a burnt metal smell.

I know no one wants to hear it but I've got a few gripes.
The threading makes handling these much more difficult than say the HR Rogue capsules as those are more of a snap on design.
I don't know if it's just me but I am constantly trying to get the threading to match up. And also trying not to close them too tight as I had difficulty opening them back up. But then again this is coming from someone who has carpal tunnel and joint problems.
I also thought the case was going to not be cardboard? Whatever.

All in all I am enjoying otherwise. Love and at the same time find it cumbersome to have to use the packing tool to open these things but love hooking the capsules out of the vape 🙃
As expected I have to draw longer or turn up the temperature to get easier hits.


Well-Known Member
Like many here I received my pods today(only minutes after my earlier post.)
They're great! Use the stir pick to screw open or remove from the oven hot.
I'm in total agreement that the card stock holder was a let down. There will be no throwing it in an adjacent pocket cause it would crush.
If I'm not mistaken, the S&B dosing magazine, which is a killer little piece of design, is under ten dollars and that includes 8 capsules as opposed to the nearly forty dollars after shipping for the ALP caps(Are my numbers off? I just used the ALP). Unfortunately the ALP caps don't fit into it.
This is an outstanding vape and the capsules elevate it, but I admit, that stings a little.


Well-Known Member
I preferred 2 sets on the 20th. I haven’t received any notifications yet except that Sezzle took my initial payment. No order confirmation from Apollo. Is this normal Gary?

Ordered 2 sets. Not preferred


New Member
In regards to smell proof case for dosing caps, I reached out to Delta3DStudios on their related FC thread and asked about a caddy insert for them for a jyarz container. I haven't received the dosing caps yet to send one their way so they can begin to produce one.


Well-Known Member
Finally got one of the capsules open...I honestly give these things a one star rating. The design is flawed - they are not user friendly, way to difficult to unscrew and screw on - a snap cap would be easier, the entire capsule needs to be perforated, and did not produce a good hit at all. For $30 plus $10 shipping, wish I would have saved my money as I will never use these (can't unscrew 4 of them anyway). I'm the type of person that doesn't mind cleaning my ALP frequently (it takes 2 minutes and I enjoy it), and the capsules are more hassle than just loading a bowl and doing a quick clean.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
`I just received my little ones! They are SENSATIONAL!!!!!!!!! I guess I am a lucky one. Each one unscrewed perfectly with my fingers. They look amazing. I am so very happy...between my ALP, my Volcano, my TM2 I am the happiest!!! This really really really solved a problem for me because loading it when you are out and about was a bit difficult. Now, I just pop one in! Bro!!!!!!!!! Excellent!

Haters hate...but, my experience with the ALP is extraordinary. I truly think this is one of the best companies around. They have listened to all of our input. They have made changes...very innovative of them. They friggen CARE! Truly awesome. I cannot wait for the new year designs and what Airvape will offer us.

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Well-Known Member
I envy you fine folk who have the Ghost crucible holders, those look sweet, but another $30(plus shipping) to hold the 6 caps that cost me $40 already brings me to over $12 a cap, more than the cost of the entire set of S&B dosing caps and their awesome case.
On top of that, as cool as these little gold nuggets are, I get a better session with just an S&B dosing capsule cap over the micro wheel than using the Air-bubble dosing capsule, and I can flip the load and get further goodness.
I think the Air-bubbles will be best for on-the-go, but I'll be using the S&B capsule cap at home. The slight cleanup is worth it.

PS It's not necessary because the Air-bubbles extract efficiently, but has anyone else stirred the load in the Air-bubble with the bent end of the stir stick through the slot?


Well-Known Member

Mine fit. Narrow side down. They stick up higher in the tray than the S&B ones but it does close over them and nothing is getting squished

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
IMO the Dosing Capsules have brought the ALP back to daily rotation- so much better than OG.
I finally got past loading the first 6. Fiddling with the capsule to screw/ unscrew is the
Much better Experience Vaping - A Game-Changer .

Phil, if you see this You we’re Right,ALP possibly better than the Mighty.
I’m pretty impressed with the dosing caps. I was wondering does it work better without the microdosing dish? I noticed on demand mode was lacking but only got to test 2 bowls.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks, can it carry all 6?
Yeah it can, I just won’t use more than 3 at a time so I left 3 in the original box.

edit: but it’s happier with 4, with an empty space between. Because they’re a mite bigger than the S&B ones, they touch the one in the adjacent stall, so it requires more care. But putting them in alternate slots works great
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Sue Narmy

Well-Known Member
In regards to smell proof case for dosing caps, I reached out to Delta3DStudios on their related FC thread and asked about a caddy insert for them for a jyarz container. I haven't received the dosing caps yet to send one their way so they can begin to produce one.

I wish these were available in the Uk
Sue Narmy,
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