AirVape Legacy Pro


Well-Known Member
I've been checking EU site regularly and has been "out of stock" there for a long time, since 2-3 weeks at least
It’s more likely IMO that they haven’t arrived on the EU site yet, and it’s just showing an “out of stock” banner as a placeholder instead of the “coming soon” banner we saw on the US site. Gary said they were held up in customs for the EU site, and anticipated 10 days if I recall correctly. I don’t think they came and went that quick, is what I’m saying

Sue Narmy

Well-Known Member
UK residents won’t be able to order from the EU website as England isn’t on the shipping drop-down box apart from Ireland.

I tried to place an order a while back and was told to order from US website.


Well-Known Member
Yea the rule is more to stop “whats better the xxx or the xxx” your comparison wasnt crossing that line i dont think.

I agree including a dosing cap or two in the retail package is a good idea

As i said ive yet to open and play with mine so i will hold judgement on the cleaning. I can say though that i hate cleaning and even soaking my crafty+ cu doesnt seem to get it sparkling, and my oven (non ceramic) is so heavily stained no amount of iso would ever bring it back. Hoping the gold on the AVLP negates this possible issue.

Sorry if i came across antagonistic ive had a brutal flu for a week and am a little grumpier than my usual level of grump.
Dave...sorry to pop your bubble about the gold oven, but, No on oven Staying SPARKLY, it Dosent, at least mine hasn't. No amount of ISO or Everclear seems to remove the Stain(Id post a pic if I knew how). The Only way ive found is to litterly Scrap it with a metal tool/implement. It seems to be tough in that it doesn't seem to scratch the surface. Been tempted to try Steel wool on it. I use mine several times daily, alternating with the Airvape X. I find it to be a Top Notch vaporizer. As far as cleaning, I do a cursory wipe down after each load and full clean about once a week. Thats using Flower and Flower/Concentrate(Home squeezed Rosin) sandwiches. 95% of time mine is used at home(retired).
Yes, the capsules will definitely help with the loading and unloading.
Would I recommend it to others, Yes most definitely.


Well-Known Member
Dave...sorry to pop your bubble about the gold oven, but, No on oven Staying SPARKLY, it Dosent, at least mine hasn't. No amount of ISO or Everclear seems to remove the Stain(Id post a pic if I knew how). The Only way ive found is to litterly Scrap it with a metal tool/implement. It seems to be tough in that it doesn't seem to scratch the surface. Been tempted to try Steel wool on it. I use mine several times daily, alternating with the Airvape X. I find it to be a Top Notch vaporizer. As far as cleaning, I do a cursory wipe down after each load and full clean about once a week. Thats using Flower and Flower/Concentrate(Home squeezed Rosin) sandwiches. 95% of time mine is used at home(retired).
Yes, the capsules will definitely help with the loading and unloading.
Would I recommend it to others, Yes most definitely.
it's a bit of a pain but i got into the habit of just wiping it after every use, this seems to keep the gold bits very clean.
please don't try metal tools on it, IMO the risk of damage is too high, some heat and solvent should work.

i think capsules will improve the ALP immensely and despite my bitching i already consider it to be in the top 5 portables currently.
until then i cut a 16mm fine mesh screen and domed it slightly.
half bowls with the domed screen on top vape wonderfully and evenly, no stirring required.

you can use to post images here, just select the bbcode formatting from the dropdown

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I don't find it that bad to clean etc.
I'd agree the only issue would be loading on the go but that's no different to the other vapes it is closely compared to.

I personally don't care about that issue as I full it before I go out and 1 bowl is enough for until I get home. And even if I did want 2. The caps will solve the minor issue.
YAY! I agree so much! I am just happy about the capsules...that will solve the on the go prob.


Well-Known Member
I was cleaning my legacy pro and used one of the small q-tips included with the vape. while I was cleaning the hole where the glass pathway connects to the end of the vape with the oven (not the end that leads to the mouthpiece) ... I stuck the q-tip into the hole and when I pulled the q-tip out the cotton came off and is lodged inside the hole blocking which of course blocks the air path/flow to where I can barely draw air through it. I have tried unsuccessfully to pull the cotton out of the hole but I can't get it to come out. is there a way to remove the silicon grommet to get at the inside better or do you have any suggestions on removing the cotton ... its basically unusable as it is now. hopefully this makes sense

I contacted airvape support through the website but figured the knowledge base here might have suggestions.

here's a pic of the hole/area I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
remove oven screen and blow through side of oven screen hole.
goto a oil change place or mechanic shop, ask someone to use air tool to blow-it out .
blow compressed air in to the small oven's side-screen.
come out the rubber grommet for glass tube, q-tip stuff should fly out of there.
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Well-Known Member
I was cleaning my legacy pro and used one of the small q-tips included with the vape. while I was cleaning the hole where the glass pathway connects to the end of the vape with the oven (not the end that leads to the mouthpiece) ... I stuck the q-tip into the hole and when I pulled the q-tip out the cotton came off and is lodged inside the hole blocking which of course blocks the air path/flow to where I can barely draw air through it. I have tried unsuccessfully to pull the cotton out of the hole but I can't get it to come out. is there a way to remove the silicon grommet to get at the inside better or do you have any suggestions on removing the cotton ... its basically unusable as it is now. hopefully this makes sense

I contacted airvape support through the website but figured the knowledge base here might have suggestions.

here's a pic of the hole/area I am talking about.

Did you try to open the top side? where the little gold screen is? you can have better access from there. Also, the best tool is an interdental brush;)


Well-Known Member
remove oven screen and blow through side of oven screen hole.
goto a oil change place or mechanic shop, ask someone to use air tool to blow-it out .
blow compressed air in to the small oven's side-screen.
Tape all the other holes with duct tape, except the rubber grommet for glass tube, q-tip stuff should fly out of there.
i have a small compressor … i’ll give that a try

are you talking about the screen at the bottom of the oven? i don’t know that was removable

Did you try to open the top side? where the little gold screen is? you can have better access from there. Also, the best tool is an interdental brush;)
i did remove that screen but wasn’t able to do get to it from there

also … it seems that when i try to get to it from the grommet all i do is push it further in … i tried a small pick tool with the end bent up a little hoping i could snag it and pull it out but no success … it is probably covered with resin which makes it harder to get out
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Well-Known Member
I use a hemostat for sewing and they fit into that hole, I've used it to retrieve lost qtips in that spot before. Fine enough needle nose pliers would work too. Maybe look into getting a pair, they're useful for a ton of stuff. Wish I had a better idea in the meantime, but sounds like it's pretty stuck. You can get hemostat at stores with sewing equipment and pliers at hardware stores/fishing stores so if you live near one it might be worth a trip.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the screen at the bottom of the oven? i don’t know that was removable
No, AFAIK that's not removable, I'm pretty sure @seedy53 meant the oval top side screen

large ear syringe filled with the iso or water. shoot it thru little side screen hole. should work in 2 or 3 tries. rag to catch the fluid coming out the grommet
Good idea! I'm wondering that maybe this can be used for a deeper clean as well? plug one end of the airpath (maybe by adding a plug inside the glass?), leave the glass tube installed, place ALP vertically, fill-in the airpath with iso and leave it for a while (not too much because of the different non-iso resistant materials like silicones and peek, just enough to dissolve the build-ups)
To me the most important drawback of this device is the difficulty in cleaning the airpath.
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Well-Known Member
No, AFAIK that's not removable, I'm pretty sure @seedy53 meant the oval top side screen

Good idea! I'm wondering that maybe this can be used for a deeper clean as well? plug one end of the airpath (maybe by adding a plug inside the glass?), leave the glass tube installed, place ALP vertically, fill-in the airpath with iso and leave it for a while (not too much because of the different non-iso resistant materials like silicones and peek, just enough to dissolve the build-ups)
To me the most important drawback of this device is the difficulty in cleaning the airpath.
while the part near the oven seems to be a single block of peek with a silicone grommet, the L shaped one near the mouthpiece appears to be less airtight. i'd be wary of it leaking liquid inside the unit.


Well-Known Member
@Gary-Airvape you might want to consider making your website a bit more user friendly. E.g., you can’t find the “air bubbles” unless you know that’s what they are called; if you search “dosing capsules”, no product shows up, and the only things that show up under the “shop” tab are vaporizers, not accessories. Why not have drop down menu links for accessories? There’s no readily findable site map, either
Searching “accessories” does not take you to the “accessories and parts” page, it goes to a page that intersperses accessories with blog posts. To get to a page showing all accessories and parts, you have to follow a link from the Airvape X FAQs page.


New Member
@Gary-Airvape you might want to consider making your website a bit more user friendly. E.g., you can’t find the “air bubbles” unless you know that’s what they are called; if you search “dosing capsules”, no product shows up, and the only things that show up under the “shop” tab are vaporizers, not accessories. Why not have drop down menu links for accessories? There’s no readily findable site map, either
Searching “accessories” does not take you to the “accessories and parts” page, it goes to a page that intersperses accessories with blog posts. To get to a page showing all accessories and parts, you have to follow a link from the Airvape X FAQs page.
There is definitely a drop down menu with a site map. Make sure you're not double tapping when you click shop and it should take you to a sub menu inside the drop down. That's where you'll find the accessories link.
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Well-Known Member
I tried searching before I posted but couldn't find anything on modified S&B capsules.

Has anyone tried to cut and reduce the height of another capsule to fit the Legacy Pro?

I know they just officially released but they're already out of stock just as I was preparing to place an order. I have a few Crafty capsules I thought about trimming with a Dremel to test out.


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a drop down menu with a site map. Make sure you're not double tapping when you click shop and it should take you to a sub menu inside the drop down. That's where you'll find the accessories link.
Maybe not on IOS? I’ m using my iPad and not finding a drop down…
This is what I see on the home page

And this is what shows up when I follow the “shop” link, single tap:
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