AirVape Legacy Pro

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I just purchased a Legacy Pro to give it a go again...I want to be able to give it a fair chance. I am looking forward to having a nice vape experience...I was not crazy about my Legacy, I would like to support this company and give it another go. I am excited about it.


IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Soooo I bought a TM2 when they first came out and then VAS kicked in regardless and I picked up the ALP.

First off, awesome CS. I had filled out some ninja survey thing on the American airvape page that promised a free WPA and waterpiece, before realizing I needed to order from the European store. I left a message in my order notes mentioning that and asking whether they could send that regardless. Also whether they could include the OG mouthpiece. 3 days later I have the device including all the accessories with the fckb30 code.

First few attempts with both devices were a lil frustrating, I am in the uncomfortable bracket where I like thick and flavourful hits, I don't like toasty flavours at all and I also don't like to bang through an entire bowl on one hit, feels like I've been robbed of enjoyment. But I figured it out and dialled them both in to my liking. I think the comparison between the two is tricky, the TM2 has a better peak flavour experience, but also has a steeper drop off where if you go for another hit when the bowl is spent, it's terrible flavour or no vapour at all. ALP has less of a peak experience, but the bowl is more satisfying across the entire session.

Currently on a lil trip and I figured out the perfect ALP routine for myself. Lil oval screen is removed, 15mm screen goes on top of the bowl. I put whole nug in the ALP without forcing, and then depending on it either stay between 160° and 185° if it's daytime and I want a clearer high, or 205° if I want it more stoney. On demand if I just want 1-2 hits at a time, session mode if I want to take 3+. Session mode also has more conduction and residual heat, but even then dope flavour over timr. Usually take 4ish drags, then open and flip the nug, another 4ish hits then break up the bud with the poker, then finish the bowl until flavour goes. Even at 160 I get proper clouds, super terpy and flavourful, and even after 8+ hits very enjoyable. Temp stepping can be fun but isn't necessary to make you feel like you got a full extraction. Also the nug method avoids the messy loading and keeps cleaning very acceptable.

It's a bit like the TM2 and the ALP correspond to different parts of the herborizer ti experience. TM2 gets the crazy peak right, ALP gets the flavour over time right, at least if you're looking for a sweet mid point between flavour and vapour. I guess I like sessions of on demand hits if that makes sense ha. Would be hard pressed to choose one, I feel like the ALP is more robust and perfect when I travel or do stuff outside, and want a single bowl over a bunch of time where each hit is really nice and then it goes back in my pocket. TM2 is too artisan for the outside world ha. But TM2 wins if I want 3 crazy clean flavour clouds off very little material (like an electric lotus), ALP flavours are a lil more muted, less pure materials I guess.

Either way, the ALP is a fantastic device. Also dope battery life. Also nice that you can make it look like a power bank when you use it without the ceramic mouthpiece and just use the gasket and screen, very stealthy. Button placement hasn't annoyed me so far either. Highly recommend. If you have one, try the nug method and lemme know what you think.


Well-Known Member
You are 100% correct on the button placement, I‘m strictly on demand.
It is in a good position imo and sits right how I hold it in my hand - the problem is the shape of the MP, being flat means you have to hold it in one position
I have recommended they make a round exit hole
I have a DV fat mp I cut in half and put a glass tube on the end so that I can hold the ALP in my hand naturally and hit it on its side
If they made the MP 5 mm longer they could make the exit round so we can hit it at any angle
I tried it with a mighty pad and it diminished the bowl size by quite a lot. It also restricted the draw.
As @LesPlenty mentioned about different weaves
The one that comes with is looser I found by a little

Other problems besides the shape of the MP I have seen

Without knowing how to use it can be messy
I have worked out how I use it and I have no problem at all - but being honest this was a factory thing

Loading the bowl and avb are the messy issues
Both are cured by my method of using - and next month dosing caps will cure all issues

Atm loading is okay, once you are used to it you can do it okay when out
But it can be a little annoying missing the bowl and having to push weed in (but it doesn't seem to stick too much for me when cold)
At home I have a funnel I use to load other vapes and that keeps all perfectly clean
Dosing caps will cure all this

Next is avb mess
It gets messy if used stock as avb get on and around the disc - even when brushing a puck off bits gets stuck on the silicone where hot and sticky reclaim is

I fix this issue and enhance the performance by doing two things
Remove the small gold screen - it gets clogged very quickly and also restricts the airflow some (especially once clogged)
- the gold disc on door also can get clogged, but is not a problem if you unscrew about halfway so vapour gets around and under it
Now put a mighty wide mesh screen over the bowl - 15.5 mm approx so doesn't touch sides of gold bowl
The mighty screen now keeps all avb inside the bowl and you just turn it over to empty - done no issues
You keep the gold disc unscrewed half way so that it holds the screen flat and doesn't let avb out
The vape stays perfectly clean now from avb
The mighty screen and removal of small gold screen enhances airflow and keeps it clean

Again - dosing caps will cure all of this
And I will also remove the gold disc on the door then to further enhance airflow

Another thing was I had to learn that the temps didn't seem to be as true as others and it reads hotter than it is
I run it at 420/430 in session mode and 464 in on demand mode with no combustion
Stronger draws are the way with this one to get the clouds you want
On demand for flavourful hits and a better vapour quality

So there are a couple of factory things to work around that are negative or you have to learn
But with simple mods and habits it is as easy as any vape to use

It has retired my mighty
There's a lot of positives I left out as I was trying to just answer the what are the negatives question above more


Well-Known Member
I tried it with a mighty pad and it diminished the bowl size by quite a lot. It also restricted the draw.
I used the Pro Pad ...takes up about 30% of the bowl size. And I can tell NO DIFFERENCE in draw resistance between the Pad, 15mm Screen. Still Much Less than with the Defuser disc installed.
Using the AirVape WPA changes the MP hole from Flat to Round. Thereby eleminates the Odd MP Angle when using in On Demand !
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Well-Known Member
I have a DV fat mp I cut in half and put a glass tube on the end so that I can hold the ALP in my hand naturally and hit it on its side
Or, I discovered, a DV fat mouthpiece just shoved over the ceramic one, allows you to orient it however you want. Though I have found I got used to how to hold it for on demand, so haven’t ended up using this hack
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Well-Known Member
Or, I discovered, a DV fat mouthpiece just shoved over the ceramic one, allows you to orient it however you want. Though I have found I got used to how to hold it for on demand, so haven’t ended up using this hack
Cool, that's an easier method too :)
My fat mp was already cut from previous use elsewhere
But I do also like the glass on my lips as well as the round exit


Well-Known Member
Boy, does it rip when you load and set it right. My Pro is new and I've only used it about half a dozen times, on weekends only (starting Thursday night since I work remotely on Friday). At first I tried microdosing with just a few flakes of flower, with the concentrate pad in the chamber, as I have low tolerance. It was okay, but nothing special.

Then this past Thursday night I loaded the chamber full of flower, with a screen on top. In on demand I set it straight to 464, instead of starting out lower temps. Oh man. Watch out!

Two draws put me over the top, with Northern Lights. A little too zonked. I put it away with the flower still in the bowl, then last night, heated it up to 464 and had one draw. Perfect. This thing seriously delivers when you use it right.


Well-Known Member
Boy, does it rip when you load and set it right. My Pro is new and I've only used it about half a dozen times, on weekends only (starting Thursday night since I work remotely on Friday). At first I tried microdosing with just a few flakes of flower, with the concentrate pad in the chamber, as I have low tolerance. It was okay, but nothing special.

Then this past Thursday night I loaded the chamber full of flower, with a screen on top. In on demand I set it straight to 464, instead of starting out lower temps. Oh man. Watch out!

Two draws put me over the top, with Northern Lights. A little too zonked. I put it away with the flower still in the bowl, then last night, heated it up to 464 and had one draw. Perfect. This thing seriously delivers when you use it right.
This is the way .....
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Well-Known Member
Some BF sales start right after Halloween. But I don't see how it could get much better than this. Unless they also threw in an accessory or something, or if they just do a ridiculous sale to get it in more peoples hands and get the hype up, though I think this 50% off is already accomplishing that to some extent.
50% off + dosing caps would be a great way to bring people into the air vape family :brow:


Big and Bouncy
That's awesome! Ugh I have mine ordered, can't wait to get it. Really hope shipping to Canada doesn't take 21 days 😳😅
Same here. Waiting on an order myself and it's been a week already. :\

Can anyone confirm whether the ALP does pass through charging so it can be used when battery is dead?
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Well-Known Member
Same here. Waiting on an order myself and it's been a week already. :\

Can anyone confirm whether the ALP does pass through charging so it can be used when battery is dead?
It has a removable battery for this purpose
Swap it out if it dies
Or it has wireless charging so I leave it on that and it's always ready
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Well-Known Member
Sure, I get those advantages but I'm thinking of the case where I've forgotten to bring a spare and just want to use it briefly without waiting to charge.
If you're out and didn't bring a battery what are you plugging your charger into?

I'm not 100% sure on the answer for you though as I haven't looked that up or needed to know yet
I do know that the wonderful and ever so responsive Bernadette from email customer service will soon be taking over the sales rep part here in FC soon and should be able to help you

She's brilliant and has always responded within the day via email and always has the exact answer to your questions about material used in construction, battery specs, keeping warranty using a matching battery, caps being released in November etc etc etc
So we should all be able to get replies and answers to our questions here soon


Big and Bouncy
If you're out and didn't bring a battery what are you plugging your charger into?

I'm not 100% sure on the answer for you though as I haven't looked that up or needed to know yet
I do know that the wonderful and ever so responsive Bernadette from email customer service will soon be taking over the sales rep part here in FC soon and should be able to help you

She's brilliant and has always responded within the day via email and always has the exact answer to your questions about material used in construction, battery specs, keeping warranty using a matching battery, caps being released in November etc etc etc
So we should all be able to get replies and answers to our questions here soon
You're plugging the charger directly into the ALP? Say I have a USB-C car charger or I'm using a wall charger while out. I want to know if I can use the ALP *while* it's charging a battery that's dead bc I forgot to bring a fully charged spare 18650.

Thanks for info about Bernadette 👍


Well-Known Member
You're plugging the charger directly into the ALP? Say I have a USB-C car charger or I'm using a wall charger while out. I want to know if I can use the ALP *while* it's charging a battery that's dead bc I forgot to bring a fully charged spare 18650.

Thanks for info about Bernadette 👍
So you will carry a plug but not a small battery ...
It just seems counter productive to me

I'm aware that a plug goes into the ALP
I assumed you were talking about being out - as in out not in a building
There is nowhere to put the wall plug then

To me a battery is smaller and easier than a wall or car charger to carry though, this was my confusion

Either way,
A quick google search just showed me that it does accommodate passthrough charging
Although it isn't good for a battery long-term, you most definitely can do so mate

Google is often our friend
Happy vaping 🙂


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I'm not 100% sure on the answer
whether the ALP does pass through charging
Pretty easy for someone to check, I did this while testing the OG Dablamp and it killed it, so maybe ask Bernadette first!
So you will carry a plug but not a small battery ...
I have been in a lot of cars with a USB-C cable just sitting and waiting for a device to charge...even my boat has one in it so definitely a possibility that there will be a charging cable somewhere to get you out of trouble.


Well-Known Member
Pretty easy for someone to check, I did this while testing the OG Dablamp and it killed it, so maybe ask Bernadette first!

I have been in a lot of cars with a USB-C cable just sitting and waiting for a device to charge...even my boat has one in it so definitely a possibility that there will be a charging cable somewhere to get you out of trouble.
Google says yes it does passthrough charging so all good there
But as I always say, email CS for any confirmation so you have it in writing
Bernadette told me in email yesterday that she will be taking over here as rep
I'm not sure when that will start though


Active Member
You're plugging the charger directly into the ALP? Say I have a USB-C car charger or I'm using a wall charger while out. I want to know if I can use the ALP *while* it's charging a battery that's dead bc I forgot to bring a fully charged spare 18650.

Thanks for info about Bernadette 👍
Heat is the biggest killer of batteries. They get hot from just using the device but you want to hit it and charge it at the same time? Big no no for your battery life.

Internal charging components on vapes are going to be inferior compared to a dedicated charger leading to cases like uneven charging which ruins the life of your batteries or worse you could fry your vapes internals since their never built to the same standard as a dedicated charger which only has one job. I have a friend who's always charged his batteries inside his TinyMight and his batteries are already noticeably weaker after just 2-3 months, whereas I've only ever charged my batteries inside a dedicated charger and still have 3 year old batteries going relatively strong.

I rotate between 8 batteries so i always have one ready to go, but just in case i do end up in a situation where i need to charge while i'm out i bought a single bay USB powered charger which I can plug into a power bank or car etc, its super tiny and only cost me like 10 bucks and gives me peace of mind knowing my batteries are charging safely and efficiently at 0.5 to 1.0A and there's no chance of damaging my actual vape.

...Bernadette told me in email yesterday that she will be taking over here as rep
I'm not sure when that will start though
That's some good news, had some back and forth emails with her and replies were always super fast.


Well-Known Member
Google says yes it does passthrough charging so all good there
But as I always say, email CS for any confirmation so you have it in writing
Bernadette told me in email yesterday that she will be taking over here as rep
I'm not sure when that will start though
Hi! Yes, I will be taking over this account to answer all your inquiries. :)

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