Here is our official cleaning video.
Legacy PRO | How To Clean
The airpath is cleanable on every corner where excess material would build up.
Messy is relative, I use half loads, the disc turned out to the max, open and empty while it's still warm after the last use, and wipe it off with a paper or wet wipe. Screens can be rinsed in 5-10min in alcohol and the whole cleaning process is 15 min.
Please do not use torch light on the PRO

It is designed to use as little as you may or heavy as you can, in on-demand mode, load as little as you like, and use it when you need it... OR load it fully, put it on session mode and hammer yourself if you feel like

I have seen heavy wax users going max loaded wax, max temp 4-5 deep-heavy draws, and being absolutely shot out to the stratosphere in 2 min...Cos they like it that way
We designed the PRO to be able to fulfill the full range of user preferences.