AirVape Legacy Pro


Well-Known Member
What's the difference in the special edition?
Ah, i believe the SE is the older Legacy Vaporizer in custom color, NOT THE PRO unit (ALP).

I don't think they are making them anymore, so you need to look for the few light green units left?
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Well-Known Member
Ah, i believe the SE is the older Legacy Vaporizer in custom color, NOT THE PRO unit (ALP).

I don't think they are making them anymore, so you need to look for the few light green units left?
Gary has said they are planning a special edition of the Pro, even asked for ideas from us for it. Not out yet, not even announced afaik.


Well-Known Member
I would think that this DC Problem would/should be Cleared Up Prior to any new model being announced.
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With the shape of the bowl AV are limited to the design of the capsules but as the AVB is evenly toasted shows they’re doing the job so that shows they have got the design right.
I haven’t used the vaporizer without the capsules so I can’t compare but as I’m getting good taste and good vapour I’m really happy.

Yes the disc does get sticky but a quick wipe with a ISO wipe solves that problem.

I don’t agree with you as I prefer threaded capsules.
I’ve been using the DaVinci SS capsules and the Angus ones without any problems.
I remove the disc all together it's not needed now
The caps under perform
The threads are too fine and no good
Although now I drilled the bottom out to get it to produce vapour I leave it screwed together
The Angus caps are useless and not tight to the oven wall so air goes around them rather than through, although the threads are coarser so they work better in that regard (the caps being no good are the least of the issues with that vape though)

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Gary has said they are planning a special edition of the Pro, even asked for ideas from us for it. Not out yet, not even announced afaik.
I must be honest here...I have the light green version of the Legacy. It is NOT the PRO and does not resemble the PRO in any way for me. I wish I would have known before I purchased it. The Pro and regular is not the same whatsoever. The reason that I purchased it back then was because they were planting trees in its honor I think....something like that important. The airflow of the PRO is superb. Now with the capsules all of the mess problem is solved. Gary and the TEAM awhile back was giving us some info of what is in store for the upcoming year. Discussion was open about how the unit should look, the mouth piece shape was discussed, etc. Apparently, they will have a SPECIAL EDITION PRO this year. I am saving my money for this...and the Vapman tower. :) Must haves.
Dr. G,
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- Yes, they are difficult to open. But this need only be an issue once. After you open each one for the first time, you simply don't tighten the lid all the way. Just tighten them so that the threads are engaged enough that the lids don't fall off when you hold it upside down. Totally solves the issue of them being difficult to open (after that first time you open them, I mean.)

- I haven't done any weighing, but the capacity does not seem to be much smaller than what you'd expect from dosing caps. Maybe 10%? (On reflection, perhaps this is partially due to the fact that I don't tighten the lids all the way...) With the microdosing wheel unscrewed about half way, the door becomes difficult to close, and when it is closed, there's a big gap between the door and the rest of the device on that end, so I find it hard to believe that it reduces capacity as much as having the wheel out at its furthest point.

- Holes in the solid top and bottom vs mesh is a non-issue. I notice no airflow reduction with the capsules vs without, as long as the wheel is removed. And the current design is much more robust than if it had mesh.

Seriously? Just don't tighten them down? That's your answer? 🙄

I have atleast used a x.xx scale and I can tell you without assuming it's not 10%. Max I have had in my ALP without a cap is 2.5g. Same bud same grind in a cap.. 1.5g. That isn't close to your guess.

How is the current design better than mesh? Explain this? Seems like another assumption.


Well-Known Member
here's my thoughts regarding caps.

on threads vs snap on i think i'd prefer snap on but a quarter or half turn thread would be fine too.
on the issue of mesh vs current caps design, IMO the factors to consider are airflow vs durability and thermal properties.

mesh has the advantage of providing max airflow and volume regardless of geometrical fit with the top microdosing disk and bowl floor, since orifices can't perfectly overlap. however it's not as durable by a huge margin and doesn't transfer heat into the sidewall as well as the current single part bowl design, and it looks cheap compared to gold plated bling. clearly their whole design philosophy is form over function.

i think the top of the caps are the heaviest airflow choke point because the raised sidewall is closing the gap around the disk, and the raised circle profile in the middle, despite being a good idea on paper, is not high/thick enough in the current execution. this is why removing the disk opens up airflow so much, and improves performance since it's also an inappropriately placed heat sink.

my lid solution would be cutting notches in the raised outer edge (imagine a dyavap bowl edge, notches wide enough to lock the stir tool), to improve airflow and grip. and slighly increase the thickness/height of the middle circle (possibly with a notch cutout for the stirtool) again for increased airflow.
my basket airflow solution would be to change the orifice pattern for more a tolerant fit with the floor of the bowl's orifices (lines, spiral, idk), or if all else fails perhaps add a raised center circle profile like the lid currently has.

unfortunately the caps material is very soft, so despite having decent thermal properties, the wall has to be a bit thick, which in addition to all the required airflow geometry, has a noticeable impact on load size. expanding into microdosing disk territory is a nogo IMO because it's basically out of the bowl (despite the name it only goes around 1mm deep max into the bowl), and really that volume doesn't get the same temps, any herbs there would be undercooked. so unless the material and design is completely changed we have to accept a smaller load with caps.

my solution would be thinning the wall on the basket part as much as possible, i think it should considerably improve heat transfer (performance) and add a bit of volume, without sacrificing integrity since only the lid has to be interacted with the harder steel stir tool. and if the idea of cutouts in the lid's top edge raised profile is implemented the caps should be easier to operate without the tool anyway.
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Well-Known Member
here's my thoughts regarding caps.

on threads vs snap on i think i'd prefer snap on but a quarter or half turn thread would be fine too.
on the issue of mesh vs current caps design, IMO the factors to consider are airflow vs durability and thermal properties.

mesh has the advantage of providing max airflow and volume regardless of geometrical fit with the top microdosing disk and bowl floor, since orifices can't perfectly overlap. however it's not as durable by a huge margin and doesn't transfer heat into the sidewall as well as the current single part bowl design, and it looks cheap compared to gold plated bling. clearly their whole design philosophy is form over function.

i think the top of the caps are the heaviest airflow choke point because the raised sidewall is closing the gap around the disk, and the raised circle profile in the middle, despite being a good idea on paper, is not high/thick enough in the current execution. this is why removing the disk opens up airflow so much.

my lid solution would be cutting notches in the raised outer edge (imagine a dyavap bowl edge), to improve airflow and grip. and slighly increase the thickness/height of the middle circle (possibly with a cutout for the stirtool) again for increased airflow.
my basket solution would be to change the orifice pattern for more a tolerant fit with the floor of the bowl's orifices (lines, spiral, idk), or if all else fails perhaps add a raised center circle profile like the lid currently has.

unfortunately the caps material is very soft, so despite having decent thermal properties, the wall has to be a bit thick, which in addition to all the required airflow geometry, has a noticeable impact on load size. expanding into microdosing disk territory is a nogo IMO because it's basically out of the bowl (despite the name it only goes around 1mm deep max into the bowl), and really that volume doesn't get the same temps, any herbs there would be undercooked. so unless the material and design is completely changed we have to accept a smaller load with caps.

my solution would be thinning the wall on the basket part as much as possible, i think it should considerably improve heat transfer (performance) and add a bit of volume, without sacrificing integrity since only the lid has to be interacted with the harder steel stir tool. and if the idea of cutouts in the lid's top edge raised profile is implemented the caps should be easier to operate without the tool anyway.
Th biggest choke is the bottom like I mentioned.
I tried using a screen on top first that only helped a little
But drilling the bottom out worked great because it lets the air flow over the weed

The disc on door is gone now
But the lid needs to be higher so you can get more weed in, should be big enough to fill the space where the disc was on door and flush to top of cap
This will give the extra load it has nothing to do with the thickness of the walls

Mesh can be the same material and look good
They can even use a cross hatch with large enough holes
You don't want conduction at the bottom - you want hot airflow like it used to work without caps - the heat transfer is hot air especially in on demand not from the walls
The walls are fine as is like any decent cap fitted to the walls of the oven to create the tunnel for the air to go through from bottom to top

Push pull lids or large thread/ little turn


Well-Known Member
Th biggest choke is the bottom like I mentioned.
I tried using a screen on top first that only helped a little
But drilling the bottom out worked great because it lets the air flow over the weed

The disc on door is gone now
But the lid needs to be higher so you can get more weed in, should be big enough to fill the space where the disc was on door and flush to top of cap
This will give the extra load it has nothing to do with the thickness of the walls

Mesh can be the same material and look good
They can even use a cross hatch with large enough holes
You don't want conduction at the bottom - you want hot airflow like it used to work without caps - the heat transfer is hot air especially in on demand not from the walls
The walls are fine as is like any decent cap fitted to the walls of the oven to create the tunnel for the air to go through from bottom to top

Push pull lids or large thread/ little turn
like i said, IMO the top volume occupied by the disk can't be used for cooking, because it's out of the bowl, and wouldn't get proper temps.

the material is way too soft for mesh. and i have yet to see even durable gold plated steel mesh, much less nichrome or whatever alloy is used here.

i'm not talking about conduction on the bottom but from the bottom to the sidewall. if it's 2 distinct parts instead of 1 there's less conduction from bottom (which heats up most) towards the sidewall. might not be all that important with ondemand convection true.

i admit i don't have a clear picture for airflow fix on the bottom (besides mesh which i don't see them implementing). i really like your cross hatch idea more than mesh tho, yeah i can see that working even with the current material. would fix airflow and performance on floor and lid, while adding a bit of volume since the raised profile geometry is not needed anymore.

Also - especially in on demand mode - it is a convection vape - so the top will get vaped as it's hot air
with this i disagree, because the temp of the hot air is different throughout the load, cooler towards the top, away from the heater. this is why convection vapes generally require stirring.
i'm not arguing either, we're discussing technical aspects IMO. i like learning. peace.
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Well-Known Member
like i said, IMO the top volume occupied by the disk can't be used for cooking, because it's out of the bowl, and wouldn't get proper temps.

the material is way too soft for mesh. and i have yet to see even durable gold plated steel mesh, much less nichrome or whatever alloy is used here.

i'm not talking about conduction on the bottom but from the bottom to the sidewall. if it's 2 distinct parts instead of 1 there's less conduction from bottom (which heats up most) towards the sidewall.
I'm not arguing with you
I have many vapes and used many caps

Also - especially in on demand mode - it is a convection vape - so the top will get vaped as it's hot air
The walls don't need conduction as mentioned - because it's hot air heating the herb - especially in on demand mode
In fact they are already working with conduction now and that's why it takes so long to do anything and the vapour is stifled as the bottom is blocked from airflow
But with the bottom drilled out it works with the hot air again and functions properly

The bottom is the biggest choke point as you call it - because I tried both ways and found out
Now it works as a cap should - but is too small and the sesh is over too quick and slightly less density in the clouds as a result

I drilled the material out - it's plenty strong to be mesh or a cross hatch grill - I know because I did the drilling and know how tough it was even to clean th burrs

Have a good day mate


Well-Known Member
just design a porous mesh hat for the oven, no capsules needed. wait, the 15mm SS screen works, but needs a tweak. capsules suck for many reasons, already discussed


Well-Known Member
just design a porous mesh hat for the oven, no capsules needed. wait, the 15mm SS screen works, but needs a tweak. capsules suck for many reasons, already discussed
could this be better solved with a microdosing disk tweak/redesign?
perhaps something similar to what @Unklmark68 did with the mesh.

however, i think capsules are useful regardless of fixing mess, so much easier for reloading out and about. so i guess both deserve better.
the ALP does so many things right, i love it, but those issues are a bit frustrating.
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If capsules ‘suck’ then don’t use them 🤷🏼‍♀️
i don't, anymore.
I got $36 of caps, i will not use.
they were a waste of money and wish i could return them and wait for the next version.
My opinion and several others here, think they are need of an overhaul too.
Opinions, information, and personal experiences is what this sub is about.
Why tell me the obvious, "do not use them?" i'm fucking 70 yr old woman, not a kid.


Well-Known Member
i've given up on the DCs, damn it!
DC version two needed already! and some of our good friends here haven't even gotten theirs yet, oh well, this is what great forums like this are for, and I would wager that Airvape is already considering changes (I at least hope so). I await the second iteration, because this is a killer vape, and well worth it!


Well-Known Member
Airvape claims that the air bubbles are gold plated stainless steel. If true, I wouldn't expect them to lose much integrity if the lid and floor were opened up to use a mesh insert. I've got plenty of stainless key rings that are pretty damn strong while being a low gauge. Perhaps not as thin as the side walls but close


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Just don't tighten them down? That's your answer? 🙄

I have atleast used a x.xx scale and I can tell you without assuming it's not 10%. Max I have had in my ALP without a cap is 2.5g. Same bud same grind in a cap.. 1.5g. That isn't close to your guess.

How is the current design better than mesh? Explain this? Seems like another assumption.

Yes, that's my answer, and it works perfectly. So? As I said, I'm not pleased that the threads are an issue, and I want them to fix it, but in the mean time not tightening them all the way works great. I do the same thing with the peanut butter jar so my wife doesn't complain that I closed it too tight and she can't get it open.

Re: mesh, you're right, it's an assumption based on those flimsy mesh Mighty caps, but it's entirely possible for them to use beefier mesh. But in my experience with them they are totally fine as they are as far as airflow goes, so I'd prefer they not change that.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's my answer, and it works perfectly. So? As I said, I'm not pleased that the threads are an issue, and I want them to fix it, but in the mean time not tightening them all the way works great. I do the same thing with the peanut butter jar so my wife doesn't complain that I closed it too tight and she can't get it open.

Re: mesh, you're right, it's an assumption based on those flimsy mesh Mighty caps, but it's entirely possible for them to use beefier mesh. But in my experience with them they are totally fine as they are as far as airflow goes, so I'd prefer they not change that.
They most certainly do not work properly and they most certainly produce less vapour than now I drilled the bottom out
And are too small for the load needed (which also affects vapour production)

So even if you are satisfied with them now (although multiple people are not) - why are you opposed to them improving the fucntion as they are a downgrade in performance currently (no debate they perform less, even if you are happy with said performance drop)


Well-Known Member
Insults and name calling is against our Be Nice rule. Warning point issued.
They most certainly do not work properly and they most certainly produce less vapour than now I drilled the bottom out
And are too small for the load needed (which also affects vapour production)

So even if you are satisfied with them now (although multiple people are not) - why are you opposed to them improving the fucntion as they are a downgrade in performance currently (no debate they perform less, even if you are happy with said performance drop)

Unbelievable. Are you familiar with the possibility that your opinions are not universal truths? Why is it so offensive that others might have had different experiences than you did? There's no debate? Yes, there is debate! Not everyone agrees with you, so there is debate! That's what happens on a forum. The performance is as good or better IN MY EXPERIENCE. I will stand by that. I have just been trying to share my personal experience and opinions and all you can do is use 10,000 words (the same 10,000 words!) to tell me again and again I didn't have the experience I did have. Are you aware that you just keep repeating the same complaints over and over again, as if the repetition will convince people that they didn't have the experience they did in fact have? Yes, you don't like the airflow. I've known that since pages and pages ago. Yes, you drilled a hole in the base, you've told us a dozen times. Yes, you tried it with the cap off, I've heard that a dozen times too. Yes, you think they're too small. Not everyone agrees with you, regardless of how many times you say it. Yes, you've used lots of different dosing capsules, we're all very impressed. The caps underperform! Mesh top and bottom! Crosshatch would work!

Somebody, please ban me, I can't take this blowhard anymore, and he insists on bludgeoning people (not only me!) with the exact. same. points. over and over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable. Are you familiar with the possibility that your opinions are not universal truths? Why is it so offensive that others might have had different experiences than you did? There's no debate? Yes, there is debate! Not everyone agrees with you, so there is debate! That's what happens on a forum. The performance is as good or better IN MY EXPERIENCE. I will stand by that. I have just been trying to share my personal experience and opinions and all you can do is use 10,000 words (the same 10,000 words!) to tell me again and again I didn't have the experience I did have. Are you aware that you just keep repeating the same complaints over and over again, as if the repetition will convince people that they didn't have the experience they did in fact have? Yes, you don't like the airflow. I've known that since pages and pages ago. Yes, you drilled a hole in the base, you've told us a dozen times. Yes, you tried it with the cap off, I've heard that a dozen times too. Yes, you think they're too small. Not everyone agrees with you, regardless of how many times you say it. Yes, you've used lots of different dosing capsules, we're all very impressed. The caps underperform! Mesh top and bottom! Crosshatch would work!

Somebody, please ban me, I can't take this blowhard anymore, and he insists on bludgeoning people (not only me!) with the exact. same. points. over and over and over again.
Wow mate
I think that's a slight over reaction
Name calling (blowhard) among other rules have been broken here
I won't reply in kind

There's a difference between opinion/experience/performance
I did not shit on your opinion or the fact you like the caps now

I said that it is fact that it produces noticeably less vapour than it usually does, and compared to an open bottom
I did not attack you for liking them, I asked why you were so against the performance being improved (how does this affect your current enjoyment of them if they perform better with adjustments)

I apologise if I came across like I attacked you (I can communicate better sometimes), I meant to point out that they indeed perform at a lower manner than prior or that they could with some minor adjustments
And was wondering why you were against them being improved in your prior statement, as the suggestions made by myself - and others - wouldn't affect your current love for the caps (except maybe a slightly longer sesh like normal)

I am happy that you are currently happy with them now
It would be great if all the customers could be just as happy as you buddy
I hope you have a vapey day mate


Well-Known Member
They most certainly do not work properly and they most certainly produce less vapour than now I drilled the bottom out
And are too small for the load needed (which also affects vapour production)

So even if you are satisfied with them now (although multiple people are not) - why are you opposed to them improving the fucntion as they are a downgrade in performance currently (no debate they perform less, even if you are happy with said performance drop)
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