AirVape Legacy Pro


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lol I was having a hard time getting the damn image attached but I finally got it



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I got one of each VGoodiEZ tubes. Spikes only went into the Legacy, spikes and balls into the Pro. So far I've only used the Legacy with it's usual concentrate load and ~maybe~ a bit cooler and slightly tighter draw. Waiting on the Pro, atm, it's Angus's turn right now.

Worth a purchase? Well yeah, I'd get either 'cause they're an interesting and useful concept, very reasonably priced, and who can resist nip .... oops ... spikes.

Question: my pods kinda screw on/off but the lid isn't flush across the top. Looks like a castle turret, the surround wall is the same size on either top or bottom. Messed up ones?


Well-Known Member
Received the replacement dosing capsules. All 6 open and close effortlessly.

Thanks again for the excellent customer service !!
i got all 6 open and closed again, only while they were empty.
however, loading and closing while full of bud is nearly impossible without dropping bud frags everywhere.
wish someone could show how to close a full loaded dc!
a video on load and close would help this old girl. PLEASE

BTW- put-on vinyl, nitrate, latex gloves do help a lot regarding holding the bottom cap section without much slippage but still a nightmare for me.

Need a way to insert cap bottom into a lock grab tool device for loading & closing cap top. then remove and drop into the oven.
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Well-Known Member
I got my dosing capsules today and I am a bit underwhelmed so far. The threading is definitely way too fine and a hassle to use, the threads should be coarse, not fine like this. I have a feeling the threads are going to get damaged over time. Way too finicky and would be a nightmare for someone with limited mobility.

They hit fine, but they're smaller than they need to be. They should have been larger, and required the microdosing disk to be removed to use the extra space. It feels like they hold maybe half a regular bowl. There is no reason the tops should be recessed so far that you can fit the microdosing disk fully extended.

I wish I had waited for the community consensus on it before buying because it seems like the issues I have experienced are mentioned several times here. I hope AirVape continues to work on this and releases a better version.

@Gary-Airvape , please have your products tested more, this is stuff that should have been picked up on with real world testing.

I do plan to keep using them for a few weeks and see how I feel though, maybe my opinion will become more favorable over time.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
@Dr. G I'm also interested to know how it's performing. Cheers!
I have the ruby ball son had one going and I had the other and I tell you something for me its ace. I feel the difference. Go figure. Something so small...anyway, yup. I like it lots.
Dr. G,
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I have the ruby ball son had one going and I had the other and I tell you something for me its ace. I feel the difference. Go figure. Something so small...anyway, yup. I like it lots.
Does the rubys restrict airflow?
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Does the rubys restrict airflow?
Yes. It does restrict can tell the difference. It does help the heat. But, does restrict airflow...and on my unit quite a bit. It is noticeable. That is just my experience...I do not want to sway you. Perhaps your result is different than mine. But, I will still use them...but, I just left the plain one in now...the flavor of the just so very nice indeed.


Well-Known Member
Yes. It does restrict can tell the difference. It does help the heat. But, does restrict airflow...and on my unit quite a bit. It is noticeable. That is just my experience...I do not want to sway you. Perhaps your result is different than mine. But, I will still use them...but, I just left the plain one in now...the flavor of the just so very nice indeed.
Looking at it I thought it might. I might get the other 3D one.
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Well-Known Member
I got my dosing capsules today and I am a bit underwhelmed so far. The threading is definitely way too fine and a hassle to use, the threads should be coarse, not fine like this. I have a feeling the threads are going to get damaged over time. Way too finicky and would be a nightmare for someone with limited mobility.

They hit fine, but they're smaller than they need to be. They should have been larger, and required the microdosing disk to be removed to use the extra space. It feels like they hold maybe half a regular bowl. There is no reason the tops should be recessed so far that you can fit the microdosing disk fully extended.

I wish I had waited for the community consensus on it before buying because it seems like the issues I have experienced are mentioned several times here. I hope AirVape continues to work on this and releases a better version.

@Gary-Airvape , please have your products tested more, this is stuff that should have been picked up on with real world testing.

I do plan to keep using them for a few weeks and see how I feel though, maybe my opinion will become more favorable over time.
All 6 of mine open and close. I also notice that if filled to max, they become Harder to close, get threaded. And yes, the volume is reduced by at least 30%. What would take a full 9 minutes to extract, can now be done in 5-6 minutes. Dont notice any reduced flavor other than what a reduced amount of vapor will produce.

HOPEFULLY, if Airvape Modifies the design in the future, they will accept the OG caps in Exchange for the New ones...! Especially, for us folk that Hurriedly, Trustingly (that they would Function Properly) , purchased them before they were actually Ready for disbursement, At NO COST !!! KEYWORDS....NO COST FOR REPLACEMENTS. And yes, that would cost them some money, but, IMO, the loss of some money wont be as bad as the Bad Reputation and Loss of Customers due to distributing a faulty product. In this day and age, a Bad Rep could be Devastating !
On another note, what are people doing with their OG Legacy's ? I put mine back in its box as soon as the Pro arrived and havent seen it since other than to exchange the mouthpiece's as the OG mouthpiece fits the Pro Snuggly ?

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Looking at it I thought it might. I might get the other 3D one.
I am using it again right now and it does help with heat. For sure it restricts a tad bit. I cleaned my unit and that aspect got better. So, the restriction is minimal but, there. It looks really dope in the chamber...tiny red balls. I like it. I should have gotten the dimpled one too.

Well-Known Member
These capsules are terrible for opening. I kept reading stuff on here aboht them and kept thinking they wouldn't be that bad but I was wrong..

2 of mine won't open for a start but even the ones that do open are a mega pain in the ass open and screw closed again and that's when they are fresh. Imagine after a few bowls. If you have the slightest but of sweat, oil, whatever on your hands forget about opening them 🤦‍♂️

These things are useless to me, a complete waste of money..

@kapows & @davesmith I'm not sure what to do now. I know I'm meant to pass 2 each onto you guys. What do yous wanna do? I'm more inclined to send then back.

@Gary-Airvape I'm sorry man, you may have listened to us about caps but yous certainly didn't think about the best practises when doing them. I bet every single person in this thread would have told you the threads were a terrible idea. I can almost guarantee that 95% of these caps will be in the trash or gathering dust on a shelf somewhere within weeks because they actually make the device harder to use.

And after a few seshes when oil and avb are factored in, these things will get worse..

2 of mine didn't open, and 2 that did I can't get the caps back on and I am considered good with my hands. 🤷‍♂️
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Well-Known Member
Question: my pods kinda screw on/off but the lid isn't flush across the top. Looks like a castle turret, the surround wall is the same size on either top or bottom. Messed up ones?
I’m pretty sure as long as they open they’re not defective. He said he misspoke earlier that they should be flat across the top, it was a prior design. They later changed it, which is why he said the wall was raised. I suspect a picture would be the best way to clarify, as his language wasn’t exactly clear.


Well-Known Member
I think a redesign with pop on caps and slightly larger but fewer holes would be nice.


Well-Known Member
lol I was having a hard time getting the damn image attached but I finally got it

Just received my 6 ruby dimpled glass stem for my Alp.
I DID 1 BOWL, it cools and tastes even better than original glass tube but watch out (even without water bubblier or j-hook stem), You can take massive hits with the stock mouthpiece. The terps will choke-you-out. lol


Active Member
I received my caps today and they are the ones that look like the a castle turret top (as mentioned above). I did have some trouble opening mine and had to use a medical glove to help with grip, but once I did an ISO bath, then soap bath, they were a bit easier to open/close. As mentioned before, I find it easiest to put the top on and screw it backwards until it seats and then screw it the proper way. I don't tighten it completely, I tighten it then back it off ever so slightly.

I did a burn off at full temp and loaded up a cap with CBD flower and set it to session at 380°f and was very impressed with the flavour. AVB was a uniform dark brown. I did not feel any major resistance when drawing (I have the small oval screen next to the bowl removed as well as the micro dosing disk).

I did notice that it can be tricky to tell which side of the top lid has the threads but found that where you put the stir tool in has a raised surface and that was the proper orientation to screw it down. The under side of the lid is smooth where the slit is. I'm looking forward to using them more and hopefully they won't gum up etc.

Sue Narmy

Well-Known Member
It’s taken me just over 2 hours to fill 16 capsules 😞

They have threading but it’s takes bloody ages to line them up so they properly screw on.
I’ve dropped a few as I thought they were screwed but obviously they weren’t.
I didn’t want to bend the metal tool thing trying to open them when the threading misaligned so I used my tool from my DaVinci IQ2 as it’s very similar I ended up bending it out of shape so now it won’t fit back in my IQ2.
I’ve still got another 6 to fill 😩

I really had high hopes for these as I prefer threaded capsules as I’ve been using DaVinci stainless steel pods for a few years and I’ve never had a problem with them at all even with extended use they open and closed perfectly.
The Angus vaporizer recently came out recently and they have threaded stainless steel capsules and they are faultless as well.

I must say apart from the threading the capsules work really well and I’m glad they’re not made out of poxy aluminium.

Apart from that, the Legacy Pro is bloody brilliant!!!!.
Feels nice in the hand, hits hard even at lower temperatures.
Gary & co kindly sent me the better fitting mouthpiece as the one which came with mine was super loose.
The new version fits like a glove so I’m happy about that 🙂

Even though I only started using my vaporizer yesterday I seriously, seriously love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Well-Known Member
So I managed done what's been suggested in here and cleaned them with iso and ran them through a heat cycle and I now have 3 functional caps.

I originally had 2 I couldn't open and 2 that I couldn't get the lid back on and the rest of them were really tough to open and close..

I now have 2 that won't open and 1 that I can't get the lid on but the ones thst do open are definitely easier since cleaning and heating. Still not great but usable for now.

I highly doubt I will use them all the time which is what I'd hoped for but I will keep them for when I am going out and about..

Now to get replacement for the defected ones..


Well-Known Member
I drilled the bottom out of one to make a full hole
I leave the lid on and pack it from the bottom
The weed stays in there
Use cap like this and it works much better - if the lid was more open it would be even better

If they had listened to the suggestion to use mesh on the floor and top they would work fine
And didn't use fine threads
And made the lid taller to accommodate the removal of the dosing disc
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Well-Known Member
I ordered on Dec 17th and have yet to receive my capsules. It’s frustrating when people are posting about receiving their replacement capsules already.

Sue Narmy

Well-Known Member
If the capsules were mesh I don’t think they would work as well as the solid ones.
It’s just the threading which lets them down.
Sue Narmy,
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Well-Known Member
If the capsules were mesh I don’t think they would work as well as the solid ones.
It’s just the threading which lets them down.
I think they could work better than the current design, if only y the capsule floor and lid were mesh screen. The walls need to be solid for sure.
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