AirVape Legacy Pro


The DC are effective at making the unit far more portable with less mess (unless you have to refill the capsules). If this is what you are looking to get out of them then you won't be upset. Otherwise they make the unit perform worse. Pre-DC I used on-demand at around 435 and produced great results. Post DC I only get similar results when running in session at max temp. The flavor is also dulled with using the DC. The DC themselves are fine and I have found the threads to be too narrow. For those with cross threading issues turn the top counter-clockwise until you feel it seat in position to turn clockwise.

Dr. G

***Old Resident*** Vapman Collector
no, @Gary-Airvape please don't decrease the wall thickness and please don't completely move away from a threaded design. Thank you very much.
I hate the snap caps...the ones from Storz and Bickel are just not working for me...cannot get them open. The ALP ones are, just improve what you already have...they are super working for me. Please.
What about a knurled edge around the top of the caps to provide some grip? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive so can't comment yet on actual usage. Really looking forward to trying them 😊
Aye, something like that and to also make it impossible to put the lids on upside down. With my dosing caps, the lid can be put on either way. I can't get mine to thread half the time no matter which side I use and then it will feel like it's going on so I'll call it good. I'll know when I had the lid on upside down after use because the lid pops off when I go to remove it from the oven and then makes a little ABV mess.

Snap-on lids are ideal but at least make it so people with lower finger dexterity and vision can tell which side of the lid is the proper side to be putting on and make it not possible to put the lid on upside down, hopefully address the threading to make crossthreading more difficult.

I hate the snap caps...the ones from Storz and Bickel are just not working for me...cannot get them open. The ALP ones are, just improve what you already have...they are super working for me. Please.
Ahh I love the Xmax style snap on caps for my Roffu and have used the dosing caps for the POTV One/Fury Edge style vapes. Those snap on well and also come off with ease for me. I wish these were more like those.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
So just to add my Experience into the mix.

Personally i dont find loading and unloading a problem wothout the caps in most situations. I fill the chamber and then cover it with my finger and just blow the debris away. Seems to work fine for me. I wouldnt want to do more than say 5 bowls vefore being near a q tip n iso tho but for one eve its fine.

Generally cleaning is needed more than most of my portables and those corners where you cant see or easily get to are a bit of a pain tbh.

I wont be removing any of the internal screens until i receive dosing caps as one thing im very aware of if bits of abv in that first hidden corner. If youve owned a crsfty or mighty youll know those bits of abv get manky, mouldy and smelly pretty quick. They can also be incredibly tricky to shift even with iso soaks etc and obv that isnt an option here.

The quality of the vapour in general is really great. Much cooler on the lungs than my crafty i feel and the wider and more precise temps is an upgrade too. Have to say this is the first flower vape ive ever reached for for concentrates. No vape will replace a dab for me but for a unit that does flower and extract i was fairly impressed. Its no proxy but its more than passable.

The feel of the unit it great for a chinese vape. It does still feel like a chinese unit but the finish and quality is above say the xmax offering imho.

Love the fact gary is active here and it means a lot they are listening to their customers a bit.

So far this isnt being sold. Ive not kept many battery portables so if ive still got this in a few months i think we can say its a winner.

Well done airvape.


Well-Known Member
So what's the consensus, are the caps worth it for most people or?
I'm really on the fence here. The actual caps are pretty top notch except for the threading. That's horrendious. I like the idea of coarser threading however maybe simply swapping the threading sides (put the male side on the tops, the female side on the bottom).

Oh, and the case/packaging is a disappointment.


Well-Known Member
As @nocebo says...Turn the top backwards till you feel it seat then screw it on forwards! As I had stated earlier, a trick learned while doing watch repair replacing the back cover(fine threads)of watches. Once you have the technique down you can do it with your eyes closed, actually seems you can feel it Better that way....the Knurled edge top portion is a Excellent idea as far as improvements go. Otherwise, I Like them !


Well-Known Member
As @nocebo says...Turn the top backwards till you feel it seat then screw it on forwards! As I had stated earlier, a trick learned while doing watch repair replacing the back cover(fine threads)of watches. Once you have the technique down you can do it with your eyes closed, actually seems you can feel it Better that way....the Knurled edge top portion is a Excellent idea as far as improvements go. Otherwise, I Like them !

Yeah i was personally taught whenever dealing with anything with threads that you should always go backwards first until you feel it seat and then proceed to screw it together.


Unknown member
I can't help but feel like these Dosing Caps deserve a thread of their own.
It's been only about DC's for like 13 pages or something? :lol:

I don't own an ALP but almost feel inclined to order some of them caps just to feel how hot they actually are...
(I'm sorry, i'll shut up now, couldn't stop meself from posting this tho...)


Well-Known Member
I can't help but feel like these Dosing Caps deserve a thread of their own.
It's been only about DC's for like 13 pages or something? :lol:

I don't own an ALP but almost feel inclined to order some of them caps just to feel how hot they actually are...
(I'm sorry, i'll shut up now, couldn't stop meself from posting this tho...)
If ya wanna feel how Hot they are, after finishing a bowl use the tool to remove the DC from the ALP and immediatey try and pick it up with bare fingers.....youll only do it ONCE.....OUCH, LOL !


Canadian here reporting. Just received the caps today. All 6 open for me, but I have tiny girly hands so I guess that helps. I use the tool to help with those that were a bit stuck (2) but I didn't force them to open. They were soaked in alcohol, washed, and dried before I used them.

This is after use, I removed the microdosing disc and stored it away. For some reason I feel like my flower ran out faster than it usually does. I usually pack the bowl prior to having the caps to full with the first minute on 180, then turning it up to 195, then up again to 210 on the last minute for a total of 5 minutes per session. With the caps it's done in about 3 minutes which is still fine, I just have to learn how to find a groove again.

Caps after removing from the oven and removing the roasted flower, I kinda hate that it still has debris and I can't seem to remove them. I am not sure yet how fast the caps cool down. But you do need to use the tool to fish them out. So far from experience (1 cap used lol about to be 2 after writing this), took less than 30 seconds from fishing it out to trying to touch them to see if I can remove ABV.

I am not entirely sure I feel about these yet, I just got a new batch to smoke so I will probably check back in a few weeks. I thought I will stick with just the caps now, but honestly I am not sure yet. I do mostly of my smoking from the AVLP on session mode and I really don't find it that hard to clean (I have learned how to ignore the state of the actual bowl and gave up on cleaning it but I still wipe it when I clean the device from time to time [1x a week or 2x, depends I guess]). Not sure if I'm happy with a coarse grind on a BGC to use on the AVLP with the caps, I will test that out as well.

Dr. G

***Old Resident*** Vapman Collector
I'm really on the fence here. The actual caps are pretty top notch except for the threading. That's horrendious. I like the idea of coarser threading however maybe simply swapping the threading sides (put the male side on the tops, the female side on the bottom).

Oh, and the case/packaging is a disappointment.
My experience is that I really think that the packaging is very well done. It is not meant to be a portable case. I knew instantly when I saw it that it resembles the other packaging that the accessories come in. Good quality. For a mailing presentation does its job. The company is promising an actual case to transport the capsules in. Also, they are promising an actual case for the ALP unit. This first batch perhaps had an issue with quality control because we have purchased 12 of them now and they all work fine. I have smaller hands than my son...he seems fine with them as well. The threading seems fine on all 12...I hold the bottom while unscrewing and when its filled I hold the top and move the bottom with my index and everytime. I am happy with our 12...if ALP decides to make any improvements...great! I love this company.


Well-Known Member
Just adding my experience with the DCs: five opened easily, one was *slightly* tricky to open but no real issues.
My fingers are pretty dexterous and thin – I would imagine these would be very difficult to handle with larger fingers/less dexterity.

I'm planning on testing function later!


Spoon Dogg
My dosing caps finally arrived this morning.
First impressions:
I do have bigger hands and did have a bit of difficulty fiddling around screwing them open and closed.
Hopefully Airvape makes an option for bigger threads, and maybe just a half or full turn to open them (for clumsy people like me).
So after vaping 7 or 8 caps, my early thoughts are that 'm not really enjoying them as I do without.
I use the ALP mostly on session mode between 180 -190 C.
Without the caps the flavor is excellent, 2 minute session, and done.
When using the caps at the same temp and session time, I'm finding the flavor is muted (similar to when I use the Mighty and DCs).
I've been fucking with the heat temps to find an optimal setting that works for me.
I do enjoy the fact that these caps keep my ALP squeaky clean


Big and Bouncy
I decided to wait and see before ordering the DCs and I'm kind of glad I did. The threading thing might bother me a bit but I'm fairly coordinated I think so probably not a deal breaker.

But losing all that bowl volume? Someone mentioned that the indented tops are made to fit even if the microdosing disc is all the way out. If this is true then what size bowl are you left with? 0.1g?

If someone could verify the DC volume in grams that'd be great.

It's the gold plating I think that limits any type of friction based snap cap. The plating probably limits a bunch of different designs. And if you lose the plating, then the main bowl gets scratched by a DC made from a different metal. Also, the purity of a gold heated bowl taste is lost.


Well-Known Member
Well.. I was cleaning my unit for the first time. One of the qtip heads that the manufacture sent came right off in the small area below the gold screen and I cannot get it out. covered in ISO. Does that rubber piece that touches the glass air tube come out? Any suggestions? Thank you
You need to get with customer service. They had to replace mine... twice!😂


Well-Known Member
I decided to wait and see before ordering the DCs and I'm kind of glad I did. The threading thing might bother me a bit but I'm fairly coordinated I think so probably not a deal breaker.

But losing all that bowl volume? Someone mentioned that the indented tops are made to fit even if the microdosing disc is all the way out. If this is true then what size bowl are you left with? 0.1g?

If someone could verify the DC volume in grams that'd be great.

It's the gold plating I think that limits any type of friction based snap cap. The plating probably limits a bunch of different designs. And if you lose the plating, then the main bowl gets scratched by a DC made from a different metal. Also, the purity of a gold heated bowl taste is lost.
I measured 0.10...thats a semi packed level, Herb Ripper Medium grind, Boveda 62% !
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Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for measuring that. That's like a dynavap now.

Ugh. I don't want to lose more than half the bowl's volume to use DCs. That's kinda terrible 😕
Thats funny...I kind of Like it...a whole bowl of my current grow is too much, lol.
Because my lungs are toast, I use Session mode. Having to inhale more and more at the end of a bowl to reach set temp keeps me from On Demand. The 0.10 load at 386F at a 10 minute Session(runs out about 7 mins) is ideal for me....
Thats one thing about this vape...VERSATILE !!!


Well-Known Member
I measured 0.10...thats a semi packed level, Herb Ripper Medium grind, Boveda 62% !
what is size of oven without dc? i have went back to screen hack and no capsule at all .1 is too little.
i remember .25 to .3 gram size being stated by a member or it may have been @gary?
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Well-Known Member
I measured 0.18, same home grown material, Moby Dick, 62%, HR medium grind.
so alp holds only .03 more than Xmax V3 PRO? That sucks but does explains a lot.
I'm a little bit upset. did you pack it if not try to see max you can load.


Well-Known Member
so alp holds only .03 more than Xmax V3 PRO? That sucks but does explains a lot.
I'm a little bit upset. did you pack it if not try to see max you can load.
IT'S Not PACKED, just comfortably compressed. I doubt you could get More than 0.03 more in it. This is somewhat Fluffy material consisting of brachs and pistols, Very little sugar leaf. Hand picked and cleaned Bud/Flower. Heavier sugar coated leaf may weigh a bit more.
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Well-Known Member
I can still get plenty of vapor with the dosing capsules at 340-360F. I don’t notice a change in flavor either. It’s the same material as the existing bowl and the microdosing disc functioned similarly to the lid. A completely packed bowl should be no different than a packed capsule. The materials are the same and the contact points are the same. I think there’s a lot of negative placebo going on.

On another note, another vendor is selling dimpled glass airway replacements with and without rubies that fit the ALP. It’s already very cool, but may be worth a try.
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