AirVape Legacy Pro

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
hello Peeps,

So teaser: we straighten the airpath, so one brush can clean all the way, no more small parts, no more tricky corners. We built in a new screen, bigger, with colours, new heat insulation, cork cover outside and beatufil new colours.
This sounds amazing!!!! I am so happy to hear about these improvements and cannot wait to get many of them....when Gary?????? When please?
Dr. G,
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New Member
I'd love to know if dosing caps will be available on launch or not. They would be a huge plus for me. Even better if my old ones will fit.
I'm curious about dosing caps too. I'm
going to upgrade on day 1 and also need more dosing caps, but I'm just waiting to see if the existing caps will fit the new device first.

I never found the cleaning that bad but these changes still sound cool. Cork will be sick looking.


There are other Worlds than these
I'm intrigued. I just recently bought the Pro Bundle for my AVLP Steampunk so I could start using dosing capsules out and about.
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Well-Known Member
Also really hope the old dosing caps work in the new device. My other wish is for a round mouthpiece fitting. Id love to make some wood mouthpieces for the avlp2
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