Well-Known Member
I know that I and a few others have posted about just putting your abv staight into whatever your making . I think jeffp was one of the first I remember posting about not staining your abv and this is like another step in that direction . I tried making the butter but Im not very gifted in the kitchen area so it turned into a great big mess and I'm not sure how much of the goodies I really got back , I may have cooked it too hot or long or something but I didnt like all the hassle . I know some of you guys think its crazy to just eat the abv but it works for me and just about anyone that I have given a cookie .
So I have cut it down to just the nitty gritty , no homemade batter , no butter . I start with my ABV , mine is close to cooked , mostly brown but still a few greener piece's but no black . I use a Mr. Coffee 12 cup grinder ( 15-20 bucks from waly if I remember ) it holds around 15 grams and still grinds it up right . I set the grinder on fine , it has fine , med and coarse , it will only run for so long then stop I have to release to button then hold again , I do that like 3 times per grinder full mixing and cleaning the walls of the grinder inbetween times , I'm sure you could do it longer but 3 times seem to get it into fine enough powder for me . After I have my abv flour I add about 30 grams to the dry ingr of a Betty Crocker Peanut Butter bag of cookie mix and mix it really well because it hard to get it blended in after everything is wet . I then just make the cookies as the directions say . I have tried the flour with brownies also but I like the cookies because they only cook for 8-10 min.
I'm gearing up to make like 8 batch's for a trip , I mean a real travel trip not
The amount of abv you use depends on a bunch of things , how cooked is it , how good was it befor vaping , how much do you vape , how fucked do you want to be , a hole bunch of stuff . You can always eat another piece or another cookie but once you realize " oh shit , this is too much " there is nothing you can do but ride it out .
Edit : I tried Betty Crocker sugar cookies around a month ago , to me the taste is like fucking terrible , I think because their is no real strong taste in the sugar cookie but it didnt taste like ABV it was a weird almost a little bit sour kinda , bad real bad . My friends eat em up but I dont see how .
So I have cut it down to just the nitty gritty , no homemade batter , no butter . I start with my ABV , mine is close to cooked , mostly brown but still a few greener piece's but no black . I use a Mr. Coffee 12 cup grinder ( 15-20 bucks from waly if I remember ) it holds around 15 grams and still grinds it up right . I set the grinder on fine , it has fine , med and coarse , it will only run for so long then stop I have to release to button then hold again , I do that like 3 times per grinder full mixing and cleaning the walls of the grinder inbetween times , I'm sure you could do it longer but 3 times seem to get it into fine enough powder for me . After I have my abv flour I add about 30 grams to the dry ingr of a Betty Crocker Peanut Butter bag of cookie mix and mix it really well because it hard to get it blended in after everything is wet . I then just make the cookies as the directions say . I have tried the flour with brownies also but I like the cookies because they only cook for 8-10 min.
I'm gearing up to make like 8 batch's for a trip , I mean a real travel trip not

The amount of abv you use depends on a bunch of things , how cooked is it , how good was it befor vaping , how much do you vape , how fucked do you want to be , a hole bunch of stuff . You can always eat another piece or another cookie but once you realize " oh shit , this is too much " there is nothing you can do but ride it out .

Edit : I tried Betty Crocker sugar cookies around a month ago , to me the taste is like fucking terrible , I think because their is no real strong taste in the sugar cookie but it didnt taste like ABV it was a weird almost a little bit sour kinda , bad real bad . My friends eat em up but I dont see how .