I've always thought about trying some abv firecrackers. I've read often that consuming MJ plant matter is known to upset stomachs. I'm going to make abv coconut oil then consider mixing that with peanut butter then add to Graham crackers. The idea seems much more appealing to me... If n when I make it go down, I'll report my trials!
Once it is ABV it no longer should upset the stomach. I grind it on occasion to dust, and add it to sauces or into recipes.
Many folks love taking ABV capsules (self explanatory), including me. Heck... I guess I just love bud!
Why put it in the oven?
I'll take a gram or so of abv. Grind/it down to dust. Mix in peanut butter and eat. I really enjoy sprinkling it on top of ice cream.
Ice cream is a good one!
Once in the oven, with air sealed off by foil...
When you bake the whole thing, flavor (
although I love the taste of herb..and ABV) becomes baked in.
The peanut butter is coaxing more THC out during heating... making it even more soluble in the system.The the
flavor permeates the graham crackers which at the end.. are super crispy, and warm.
There are other firecracker recipes... one uses Nutella. I tried nutella and while I got medicated, the flavor of that chocolate
was unpleasant to me. The taste stayed with me for hours.... it is kind of a bitter dark chocolate taste, that was too much for me.
I do not make Firecrackers now...
That is a thing to do if there is little herb, and you need to make something "small batch"
a gram.......2 grams.
I generate enough ABV to do larger recipes.. I like it in muffins(not technically muffins... things should be easy!)
I take an ounce of ABV and mix it into a bargain Brownie mix (1 egg and water and oil that's all)
I add a couple tablespoons of extra water, to displace the added "dry matter".
The name Muffins, was because I do not like mess or crumbs.
I buy cupcake tray liners. I use the double ones... foil outside and paper inside.
I pour the entire mix into the muffin cups to make the pan a no clean-up pan, and
to make eating it more delicious and moist inside (surface area is less than say... a brownie pan).
Now get out there, and make some Firecrackers!
Use your favorite method
