A Random Thought That You Haven't Thought About in Decades...


Well-Known Member
....or at least a decade from you younger folk, that just popped into your head and made you smile.

My latest:

Back in 1963 when I was 19, I bought a '62 Vette (fuel injected, four speed, 4:56 rear end, positraction.....silver with american mag wheels. Put in an extra rear light so there were 3 on each side rather than 2. Beautiful car.....

Anyway, just wanted to paint that picture but the thought that came zipping into my mind out of nowhere was the one night (probably a week after I had that car) it was about 9 at night and I just wanted to go for a ride down to the beach with my girlfriend. I took the top off (had a removable hard top) even though it was kinda of cold night for SoCal, right around the low 50s. Full moon, clear skies and kinda cold but the feeling that I had in driving that car along the coast, on that cold night with the top off and the heater going at full blast so things stayed kinda toasty was simply..............amazing.

I haven't thought about that in ages, like probably 45 years but it just all of sudden came zipping back like it was yesterday...........:)


Well-Known Member
Memory is so cool...and I believe it's not random at all. Maybe you smelled a scent or flavor profile that brought you back to that moment ?maybe you saw something or had a particular thought that led to that memory.

Recently mine would have to be this....
When I was about 5-7 I was playing on the edge of a pond with my best friend. I must of slipped because I fell out into deeper waters and couldn't swI'm at this time. Luckily I made it back. We'llthe same thing happened to my friend and he went under. I went over to see if I could somehow drag him back. Even though neither of us could swim lol...
When I grabbed him he immediately locked his entire body on me and we both started sinking...I was beginning to run out of breath and took in a small amount of muddy water. We touched shallow mushy ground and surfaced finally. I remember the infinite feel time had when I went under the second time. Like I was drifting in the waters of time almost...
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